Eliot Weinberger is an essayist, editor, and translator. He lives in New York City.
Octavio Paz (1914-1998) was born in Mexico City. He wrote many volumes of poetry, as well as a prolific body of remarkable works of nonfiction on subjects as varied as poetics, literary and art criticism, politics, culture, and Mexican history. He was awarded the Jerusalem Prize in 1977, the Cervantes Prize in 1981, and the Neustadt Prize in 1982. He received the German Peace Prize for his political work, and finally, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990.
Nineteen ways of looking at Wang Wei 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分没看过这本书,写完这篇,发现有这本书。 鹿柴 王维 空山不见人 但闻人语响 返景入深林 复照青苔上 (一) 压根没有空山这种山。就算是寸草不生的山,那叫秃山,起码还有石头和土,也不能叫空山。空山是心相,客观世界找不到。 想象如果有一天,他突然不告而别,离开这个城...
评分第一个字是空,是无;第二个字是山,是有。前两个字结合起来,“无”中生“有”,创造了“空山”,谓为“大”。 “不”,一个否定副词,另一种“无”(“空”是本质的无,“不”是依存的无);紧跟着“见”,一个感事动词,另一种“有”(山是实有,见是虚有)。让人疑惑,是“空山...
评分不敢惊叹三连了怕被打,在Z老师指正下彻夜难眠(假的),心有愧色决定重新来修改一下拙作,交代出一篇完整的但依旧拙劣的作品。 ==============================√ 20世纪70至90年代,国际译学界经历了一场深刻的范式革命。在这场革命中,翻译界告别了“翻译语言观”,转而将翻...
图书标签: 翻译 王维 海外中国学研究 文学 批评 外國文學 唐诗翻译 唐诗
The difficulty (and necessity) of translation is concisely described in Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei, a close reading of different translations of a single poem from the Tang Dynasty―from a transliteration to Kenneth Rexroth’s loose interpretation. As Octavio Paz writes in the afterword, “Eliot Weinberger’s commentary on the successive translations of Wang Wei’s little poem illustrates, with succinct clarity, not only the evolution of the art of translation in the modern period but at the same time the changes in poetic sensibility.”
“Translation is always dependent on the smallest words.” 写作何尝不是如此。
评分作者在最后写的furious professor的事,完全戳中了我
评分吐槽比翻译有趣,也有深度。中文里实物与精准的美感的确是很难翻译的东西。想要读更多translation studies了!
评分“Translation is always dependent on the smallest words.” 写作何尝不是如此。
Nineteen ways of looking at Wang Wei 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书