How do we see the world around us? The Penguin on Design series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever.
Susan Sontag’s groundbreaking critique of photography asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock, idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as a memorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or to identify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives.
How do we see the world around us? "The Penguin on Design" series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever. Susan Sontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock, idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as a memorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or to identify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives.
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因為對攝影開始感興趣,於是買瞭一本蘇珊•桑塔格《論攝影》來讀。一直以來對桑教授的作品敬畏有加,一句話裏就能引用的五六個人名兒,嚇得我手都不知道往哪兒擱。相對桑塔格來說,我更喜歡桑格格。 不過這本書卻是齣乎意料地好讀,桑教授在這本書裏沒有像往常那樣進行大量...
評分因為對攝影開始感興趣,於是買瞭一本蘇珊•桑塔格《論攝影》來讀。一直以來對桑教授的作品敬畏有加,一句話裏就能引用的五六個人名兒,嚇得我手都不知道往哪兒擱。相對桑塔格來說,我更喜歡桑格格。 不過這本書卻是齣乎意料地好讀,桑教授在這本書裏沒有像往常那樣進行大量...
評分2008年,汶川地震一個月之後,我的朋友楊怡從成都來北京,費瞭老勁,送我一張裝裱好的巨幅照片。我專門定製瞭一個位置,把它掛在讀易洞入口的正前方。現在我已經把它挪迴傢裏,掛在瞭餐桌邊的牆上。 我當時在照片下麵手寫瞭一段說明: 白馬 —— 攝影/楊怡 5月19日下午六點左右...
評分盡管拍照和開槍在英文裏都是Shoot,但當我看到桑塔格把相機比喻為槍支,仍不免有些驚訝。在桑塔格看來,越來越多的人可能會使用相機取代槍支來滿足自己侵略和掠奪的欲望,而被對準的那方也許不情願,也許不知情,更不知道自己其實是被當作瞭享樂的對象。 桑塔格是一位享譽全球...
圖書標籤: 攝影 SusanSontag photography 藝術 Photography 蘇珊桑塔格 美國 理論
評分桑塔格在對比“工業社會”與“非工業社會”的時候,不免有些東方主義吧。同樣的簡化也存在於她對中國的討論中。很明顯,她是通過一種既定的過濾係統來看非西方世界的。很好奇這本1977年齣版的書於海德格爾1977年發錶的World Picture的文章之間的關係。個人認為本書中的觀點不是很新。基本沒有離開巴贊1960年那篇the ontology of photographic image的影子。薩義德的東方主義1978年齣版,時間差是桑塔格唯一的脫罪證明。
評分讀完巴特的camera lucida再讀這本 巴特在寫自己的一個journey 桑塔格更偏critical theory 兩邊都好喜歡啊TT______TT
評分To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them that they can never have; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessed. Just as a camera is a sublimation of the gun, to photograph someone is a subliminal murder - a soft murder, appropriate to a sad, frightened time
評分讀完巴特的camera lucida再讀這本 巴特在寫自己的一個journey 桑塔格更偏critical theory 兩邊都好喜歡啊TT______TT
On Photography 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載