Special Children: An Integrative Approach 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
PREFACE<br >This Second Edition of Special Children: An Integrative Approach is both human-<br >istic and integrative, attempting to picture special children as unique, but also<br >as understandable within the context of clinical experience and research.<br >Whether in the classroom, therapist s office, or hospital, it is critical to recog-<br >nize and deal with each child as a person who transcends categories, classi-<br >fications, and formulas; hence we maintain in this new edition a strong sense<br >of the individuality of each special child in order to communicate this value to<br >future child-care professionals. At the same time, we also present concepts of<br >diagnosis and intervention from the research data currently available.<br > Special Children is intended for education and psychology courses enroll-<br >ing students whose interests include medicine, nursing, social work, and<br >allied child-care disciplines such as audiology and speech/language patholo-<br >gy. It is our intent that the book be useful and understandable to those who<br >are studying the problems of special children for the first time as well as to<br >serve as a resource for advanced students.<br > The success of the first edition of Special Children has been quite gratifying,<br >and we have paid close attention to suggestions that will make this text even<br >more effective. Like its predecessor, this new edition is a comprehensive intro-<br >duction to those children in whom a difference or disability in physical, cog-<br >nitive, emotional/behavioral, or social functioning necessitates special inter-<br >vention in order to allow the realization of their potential. In the Second Edi-<br >tion, we have reorganized the five major parts of the book in such a way that<br >the initial chapters build an extensive foundation for discussion of specific<br >childhood disabilities and differences. In Part One we develop a context for<br >the study of special children through discussion of historical attitudes and<br >social actions affecting them, major theoretical views of child development,<br >and factors relating to family responses to special children. Many readers have<br >felt that our extensive coverage of theories of child development and discus-<br >sion of parental and family reactions to childhood disabilities were important<br >strengths of the book and, apart from making them more current, we have<br ><br >
Special Children: An Integrative Approach 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书