Christopher B. Balme holds the chair in theatre studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munchen. His books include The Theatrical Public Sphere (Cambridge, 2014) and he is a senior co-editor of the six-volume Cultural History of Theatre (2017). He is principal investigator of the ERC project 'Developing Theatre'.
Between 1895 and 1922 the Anglo-American actor and manager, Maurice E. Bandmann (1872-1922) created a theatrical circuit that extended from Gibraltar to Tokyo and included regular tours to the West Indies and South America. With headquarters in Calcutta and Cairo and companies listed on the Indian stock exchange, his operations represent a significant shift towards the globalization of theatre. This study focuses on seven key areas: family networks; the business of theatrical touring; the politics of locality; repertoire and publics; an ethnography of itinerant acting; legal disputes and the provision of theatrical infrastructure. It draws on global and transnational history, network theory and analysis as well as in-depth archival research to provide a new approach to studying theatre in the age of empire.
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圖書標籤: 劇場研究 Christopher_Balme
評分拉圖爾「行動者網絡理論」的操演。勾勒Maurice Bandmann在十九世紀末搭建的環球戲劇網絡,足跡從馬耳他到上海,標誌著演齣運營模式的重要轉型:從傢庭到股份有限公司,維係紐帶愈發脆弱但隨機應變;既搞壟斷,又喜多元,既能演莎翁(受眾多為印度精英而非殖民長官),又能演歌舞喜劇;既在當地深耕經營,建造劇院,又扮演中介角色,「翻譯」宗主國的錶演文化;長期的世界巡演狀態,既讓演員大開眼界,又麵臨收入匯率轉換、熱帶疾病、亂交、劇目輪演製帶來的疲勞等問題,為閤同毀約不惜和經理對簿公堂。一樁女演員勉為其難唱女高音的案子,審理過程頗具戲劇性,而殖民法庭的靈活釋法,使公司接受演員流失的事實;隨著旅途成本上漲,戲劇巡演讓位於展映愛國宣傳片,竟也成為大撈一票的契機;傳主身前風光,身後無名,曆史的吊詭即在於此。
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