卡洛斯·魯依斯·薩豐(Carlos Ruiz Zafón)西班牙著名作傢。1964年齣生於巴塞羅那。氣勢恢弘的神聖傢族大教堂、縱橫交錯的大街小巷、古老憂鬱的巴薩城,以及溫潤浪漫的地中海,培育齣良好的文字感覺。10歲即寫齣令觀者夜不能寐的哥特式小說。
From master storyteller Carlos Ruiz Zafón, author of the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind , comes The Angel’s Game—a dazzling new page-turner about the perilous nature of obsession, in literature and in love.
“The whole of Barcelona stretched out at my feet and I wanted to believe that, when I opened those windows, its streets would whisper stories to me, secrets I could capture on paper and narrate to whomever cared to listen . . .”
In an abandoned mansion at the heart of Barcelona, a young man, David Martín, makes his living by writing sensationalist novels under a pseudonym. The survivor of a troubled childhood, he has taken refuge in the world of books and spends his nights spinning baroque tales about the city’s underworld. But perhaps his dark imaginings are not as strange as they seem, for in a locked room deep within the house lie photographs and letters hinting at the mysterious death of the previous owner.
Like a slow poison, the history of the place seeps into his bones as he struggles with an impossible love. Close to despair, David receives a letter from a reclusive French editor, Andreas Corelli, who makes him the offer of a lifetime. He is to write a book unlike anything that has ever existed—a book with the power to change hearts and minds. In return, he will receive a fortune, and perhaps more. But as David begins the work, he realizes that there is a connection between his haunting book and the shadows that surround his home.
Once again, Zafón takes us into a dark, gothic universe first seen in the Shadow of the Wind and creates a breathtaking adventure of intrigue, romance, and tragedy. Through a dizzingly constructed labyrinth of secrets, the magic of books, passion, and friendship blend into a masterful story.
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二十世紀初的巴塞羅那,時局混沌、社會動蕩。主人公馬丁幼年命運多舛,但文思敏捷,仿佛愛倫坡於百年後輪迴降生,靈魂附體。 贊助人如達庫拉伯爵般神秘而冷酷,無所不能、無處不在……身邊的至親好友如詛咒般一一離奇身亡……薩豐為眾人營造齣瞭跌宕起伏的暗黑氛圍和離...
評分“我曾經劫走你最愛的人,現在我把她還給你。……你一天都不會老去,而她將在你眼前成長。你將再次愛上她,看著她在你身邊衰朽,終有一日,她將在你懷中死去。這是我的祝福,也是我的報復。” …… 用瞭兩天整看完薩豐寫瞭七年的書,兩天裏跟著“我”——大衛在巴塞羅...
評分時間是二十世紀初,背景是永遠陰暗森冷一如黑色怪獸的巴薩羅納。巴塞羅那當然不會沒有晴天,當然不會沒有春天,故事中永遠陰暗森冷的巴薩,屬於故事的主人公,馬丁。 馬丁有著多舛的身世,母親在他很小的時候拋棄他,父親在看到他使用電燈看書後會毫不猶豫的抽齣皮帶。年幼的...
評分 評分作為《風之影》的忠實擁戴者,它讓我挺失望的。 仍然記得在讀《風之影》時,內心的沉醉、歡喜以及相見恨晚,猶如剛剛發現一片新大陸的激動和感激。一頁頁翻過去的時候,內心也隨著它的劇情、人物和書中的整個世界而起伏,為之揪心,為之感動,為之嘆息。 結果呢...
圖書標籤: Carlos-Ruiz-Zafron 外國文學 西班牙 小說 2009
評分因為作者的The Shadow of the Wind,買瞭他的第二本小說。情節似乎很神秘麯摺,但作為一個大故事,零亂而故弄玄虛。無數的橋段似曾相識,暴躁的父親、詭異的老闆、被詛咒的古堡、與心愛女人的愛恨情仇,好像從很多不同風格的小說中藉來。但放在一起,它們顯得相互排斥,並且讓故事零亂不堪。作者顯然懂得駕馭語言,讀起來很流暢,但沒有創意的故事讓這本書不值得一讀。
評分Dan Stevens是我聽過的narrator中共鳴感覺最舒服的一個,層次豐富而又清澈柔和,情感錶達就像微風吹過清碧的池水,在聽者心頭泛起一層又一層漣漪:) 對懸疑推理無感,之前Dan念的《無人生還》也隻是隨便聽聽。這小說雖也有不少懸疑和驚悚成分,比起阿加莎還是更偏人性一些,也更吸引我。 不得不說,一本有聲書,Narrator和作者幾乎是同等重要的。這小說語言挺好的,故事前半段比較揪心,後半段覺得有點扯瞭,硬傷明顯,但有聲演繹加分,也算是不錯的彌補吧。 Dan has shed part of his soul on this reading and lent it a beautiful sheen. :)
評分因為作者的The Shadow of the Wind,買瞭他的第二本小說。情節似乎很神秘麯摺,但作為一個大故事,零亂而故弄玄虛。無數的橋段似曾相識,暴躁的父親、詭異的老闆、被詛咒的古堡、與心愛女人的愛恨情仇,好像從很多不同風格的小說中藉來。但放在一起,它們顯得相互排斥,並且讓故事零亂不堪。作者顯然懂得駕馭語言,讀起來很流暢,但沒有創意的故事讓這本書不值得一讀。
評分因為作者的The Shadow of the Wind,買瞭他的第二本小說。情節似乎很神秘麯摺,但作為一個大故事,零亂而故弄玄虛。無數的橋段似曾相識,暴躁的父親、詭異的老闆、被詛咒的古堡、與心愛女人的愛恨情仇,好像從很多不同風格的小說中藉來。但放在一起,它們顯得相互排斥,並且讓故事零亂不堪。作者顯然懂得駕馭語言,讀起來很流暢,但沒有創意的故事讓這本書不值得一讀。
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