The famous philosopher and author holds a compelling discussion on the evolution and cultural meanings of collecting and list-making.
Product Description
Best-selling author and philosopher Umberto Eco is currently resident at the Louvre, and his chosen theme of study is "the vertigo of lists." Reflecting on this enormous trove of human achievements, in his lyrical intellectual style he has embarked on an investigation of the phenomenon of cataloging and collecting. This book, featuring lavish reproductions of artworks from the Louvre and other world-famous collections, is a philosophical and artistic sequel to Eco’s recent acclaimed books, History of Beauty and On Ugliness, books in which he delved into the psychology, philosophy, history, and art of human forms. Eco is a modern-day Diderot, and here he examines the Western mind’s predilection for list-making and the encyclopedic. His central thesis is that in Western culture a passion for accumulation is recurring: lists of saints, catalogues of plants, collections of art. This impulse has recurred through the ages from music to literature to art. Eco refers to this obsession itself as a "giddiness of lists" but shows how in the right hands it can be a "poetics of catalogues." From medieval reliquaries to Andy Warhol’s compulsive collecting, Umberto Eco reflects in his inimitably inspiring way on how such catalogues mirror the spirit of their times.
The Infinity of Lists 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书本身就是一本清单。 当然,仔细追究起来阅读每本书都如同阅读一本清单目录。唯一不同的是,意大利作家翁贝托•艾柯编著的这本《无限的清单》就如同把我们原来阅读时的千头万绪整理成了一种有秩序的清单,并且用这份清单互相指涉文学史无数的清单文学。而对我们的阅读行...
评分原以为艾柯这本《无限清单》只是一本论述清单意义的书,读过发现这本书就是无限清单的本体呈现,我想,艾柯写此书的想法一定是:我的博学终于派上用场,哈哈哈。 再回头看艾柯写此书的源起:「卢浮宫邀请我挑选一个主题来筹办一系列会议、展览、公开朗读、音乐会、电影,我毫不...
评分艾柯:合上了一本百科全书 原创 2016-02-20 薛芃 三联生活周刊 在看到哈珀·李去世的消息不久,又收到翁贝托·艾柯离世的噩耗。这个周末,遇上了世界文坛的黑色星期五。 艾柯 艾柯的庞大世界,很难用几个关键词概括。他写小说,研究符号学、阐释学、中世纪美学与神学、大众...
图书标签: UmbertoEco 艾柯 意大利 文化 Umberto_Eco *English* 书 艺术
Umberto Eco, semiotician at the University of Bologna, is widely known as one of the finest living authors whose best-selling novels include The Name of the Rose, Foucault’s Pendulum, The Island of the Day Before, and Baudolino.
评分Bringing the idea of taxonomy to its structural fullness~
评分清宫的创新和收集癖正是an act of listing啊!
评分Bringing the idea of taxonomy to its structural fullness~
The Infinity of Lists 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书