"White" is not a book about colors. It is rather Kenya Haras attempt to explore the essence of "White," which he sees as being closely related to the origin of Japanese aesthetics a " symbolizing simplicity and subtlety. The central concepts discussed by Kenya Hara in this publication are emptiness and the absolute void. Kenya Hara also sees his work as a designer as a form of communication. Good communication has the distinction of being able to listen to each other, rather than to press onea (TM)s opinion onto the opponent. Kenya Hara compares this form of communication with an "empty container." In visual communication, there are equally signals whose signification is limited, as well as signals or symbols such as the cross or the red circle on the Japanese flag, which a " like an "empty container" a " permit every signification and do not limit imagination. Not alone the fact that the Japanese character for white forms a radical of the character for emptiness has prompted him the closely associate the color white with emptiness.
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白是什麼白 黑是什麼黑 疑問,顔色可以反映我們細微的情感,但這絕非全部。顔色被發現的那一刻所湧起的人類情感自身的核心我們能看得到嗎?顔色並不是單純,獨立地存在於自然之中的,他們隨著光的細微級差不斷變化。是語言,無比偉大地賦予瞭它們清晰的存在。我們從感情層麵吸...
評分白是什麼白 黑是什麼黑 疑問,顔色可以反映我們細微的情感,但這絕非全部。顔色被發現的那一刻所湧起的人類情感自身的核心我們能看得到嗎?顔色並不是單純,獨立地存在於自然之中的,他們隨著光的細微級差不斷變化。是語言,無比偉大地賦予瞭它們清晰的存在。我們從感情層麵吸...
評分原研哉在這本書裏麵算是把平麵設計師的功力展現齣來瞭吧 日本的禪宗佛教文化自始至終很在乎和關注生活中動與靜的結閤,空白和充實之間的關係。雖然個人覺得要把文化,設計,藝術,人文,社會穿插到一起是比較牽強的事情,但是這或許也是大師和我們之間的差距吧。不管是文學中的...
評分在圖書館閑逛的時候偶然間發現這本書,讓人印象深刻的是,書的裝幀就如書名一樣——白,讓我産生瞭興趣,而且我的外號帶白,這顯得藉書的理由更加莫名其妙瞭。o(╯□╰)o 看到作者來自日本,腦子裏不免齣現日本國旗,建築,無印良品等,而他們的共同點或許就...
圖書標籤: 設計 原研哉 設計 日本 平麵設計 Design 設計理論 美感叢生
評分描述[白]的部分非常打動人,白色的光澤度、虛實感、觸覺粗糙度寫得非常生動飽滿。 內含意義的解讀深刻: 與其他顔色的"功能性"相比,白色謙遜內斂。五光十色世界滿足好奇心,白色提供定性。難以維護、轉瞬即逝、脆弱、渾渾噩噩與混沌的反麵。 可以有太多自己的理解瞭! 扣分: 跟標題不直接相關的內容大概占30%,略囉嗦。
評分He is obsessed with white.
評分He is obsessed with white.
評分He is obsessed with white.
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