White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
极简主义,是人们日渐崇尚的一种生活方式,也是一种日渐兴起的美学方式。而可能只有白,才能更精准地诠释极简主义和空的含义。原研哉的《白》,从颜色这一物理概念跳脱出来,尽最大可能地从感知的层面描述白的本质。看了两遍,从书里摘了15句让我比较有感触的话出来。 1. “白...
评分当初只知道中文版出了一下就没了 一直渴望着这本书 近段时间才入手, 从书的目录来看 其实就很有逻辑性, 即使当看完RE-DESIGN 设计中的设计 为什么设计 引人兴趣的媒介包括神道教思想,日本茶道,以及日本禅宗文化以及源氏物语中出现的物哀之情,那份日本本初的性格之物。 再...
评分原研哉在这本书里面算是把平面设计师的功力展现出来了吧 日本的禅宗佛教文化自始至终很在乎和关注生活中动与静的结合,空白和充实之间的关系。虽然个人觉得要把文化,设计,艺术,人文,社会穿插到一起是比较牵强的事情,但是这或许也是大师和我们之间的差距吧。不管是文学中的...
评分大多数人都会下意识地认为美常驻于创造行为的领域,但最近,我已逐渐相信,我们对它的‘发现’是通过为保持事物本来面貌所做的清理和打磨。 朦胧的去看现在的日本的文化时,如果用颜色来代表的话,就是“白”。无论是平面设计,比如大量的日本书籍封面,都是白底,简洁明了。...
评分和很多经验丰富设计师一样,原研哉大师有很多话想分享给大家,但他终究不是美学家,面对『白』『空』这样可悟而不易言传的抽象概念,表达起来心有余而力不足。 作者试图通过日本文化及生活化的实例试图引起读者的共鸣。存在几个问题: 1. 就像给门外汉推广设计理念存在门槛一样...
图书标签: 设计 原研哉 設計 日本 平面设计 Design 设计理论 美感丛生
"White" is not a book about colors. It is rather Kenya Haras attempt to explore the essence of "White," which he sees as being closely related to the origin of Japanese aesthetics a " symbolizing simplicity and subtlety. The central concepts discussed by Kenya Hara in this publication are emptiness and the absolute void. Kenya Hara also sees his work as a designer as a form of communication. Good communication has the distinction of being able to listen to each other, rather than to press onea (TM)s opinion onto the opponent. Kenya Hara compares this form of communication with an "empty container." In visual communication, there are equally signals whose signification is limited, as well as signals or symbols such as the cross or the red circle on the Japanese flag, which a " like an "empty container" a " permit every signification and do not limit imagination. Not alone the fact that the Japanese character for white forms a radical of the character for emptiness has prompted him the closely associate the color white with emptiness.
PageOne 的记忆嘛。
评分我不喜欢。像是在写一个以白为主题的thesis paper把所有可以套用的内容往里面塞。而援引的大部分例子比survey class的教科书还浅。设计也不喜欢,封面太闪,纸张太厚。
评分He is obsessed with white.
White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书