本書作者安德魯·科伊(Andrew Coe),美國知名飲食文化學者、作傢,熟稔中國飲食傳統,為《美味》《紐約時報》《洛杉磯時報》《華爾街日報》等媒體撰寫飲食文化類專欄文章超過20年,並且是《牛津美國餐飲百科全書》的作者之一。他的著作《來份雜碎:中餐在美國的文化史》最初由牛津大學齣版社齣版,並獲得業內和輿論的一緻好評。目前,他和傢人在紐約生活。
In 1784, passengers on the ship Empress of China became the first Americans to land in China, and the first to eat Chinese food. Today, the United States is home to more Chinese restaurants than any other ethnic cuisine. In this authoritative new history, author Andrew Coe traces the fascinating story of America's centuries-long encounter with Chinese food. CHOP SUEY tells how we went from believing that Chinese meals contained dogs and rats to making regular pilgrimages to the neighborhood chop suey parlor. From China, the book follows the story to the American West, where both Chinese and their food struggled against racism, and then to New York and that crucial moment when Chinese cuisine first crossed over to the larger population.
Along this journey, Coe shows how the peasant food of an obscure part of China came to dominate Chinese-American restaurants; unravels the truth of chop suey's origin; illuminates why American Jews fell in love with egg rolls and chow mein; and shows how Nixon's 1972 trip to China opened our palates to a new world of cuisine; and explains why we still can't get dishes like restaurants serve in China. The book also shows how larger historical forces shape our tastes—the belief in Manifest Destiny, the American assertion of military might in the Pacific, and the country's post-WWII rise to superpower status. Written for both popular and academic audiences, CHOP SUEY reveals this story through prose that brings to life the characters, settings and meals that helped form this crucial component of American food culture.
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多年前,匯豐銀行為瞭標榜自己是一傢“glocal company”(本地化的跨國公司),曾推齣一支令人印象深刻的廣告:一個西方人混在一群亞洲麵孔的人中間談笑風生時,飯店侍者端上來一大碗看上去模樣古怪的濃湯請他喝,他一下就僵住瞭,隨即發現所有人都似笑非笑在看著他,他眼睛一...
評分《來份雜碎》 一位美國學者通過美國視角講述美式中餐的曆史。 作為一名地道的中國吃客,竟然第一次聽說“炒雜碎”這美國中式名菜,真是枉在吃喝界摸爬滾打這麼多年啊。 雜碎就是用豬肉片或雞肉片混閤豆芽、洋蔥、芹菜、竹筍和荸薺等等炒齣來的一鍋雜菜。這道所謂的“名菜”原本...
評分已經忘瞭怎麼樣關注上《來份雜碎》這本書的,反正就躺在我豆瓣想讀書目裏麵,可能隻是覺得名字好玩,正好趁著京東滿減的時候,買來一本翻翻,扔瞭也不可惜。萬萬沒有想到的 是,這本書從頭到尾都是驚喜。本應該是一本非常嚴肅的學術書籍卻被作者寫成瞭幽默短篇。 看到這本書的...
評分 評分昨晚拆的封,晚上就覺得很有意思,白天陪女兒擊劍一直在看,終於看完瞭。從美國人第一次來華接觸中餐,到尼剋鬆來華訪問,到2008年奧運會的美國人對中餐的態度。 其實整本書不止是中餐,還有曆史,美國排華史,中美建交史。 反正我是搞明白瞭左宗棠雞,以前在紐約,頭一次聽說...
圖書標籤: 飲食 文化 美國 文化史 曆史 food Coe 非小說
評分趣味橫生,也不算小書哇,電子書8個多小時呢..其中有講到猶太人開中餐館的趣事,中餐已經進化到非常流行的年代瞭..chop suey真心好吃啊蔬菜又多
評分this books feels like a stew of chop suey.
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