讓-路易•傅尼葉(Jean-Louis Fournier)
Jean-Louis Fournier did not expect to have a disabled child. He certainly did not expect to have two. But that is precisely what happened to this wry French humorist, and his attempts to live and cope with his Mathieu and Thomas, both facing extremely debilitating physical and mental challenges, is the subject of this brave and heartbreaking book. Fournier recalls the life he imagined having with his sons—but his boys will never really grow up, and he mourns the loss of every memory he thought he’d have.
Though a devoted father, he does not shy away from exploring the limits of his love, the countless times he is filled with frustration and disappointment with no relief in sight. Mathieu and Thomas can barely communicate, and each in turn repeats learned phrases, such as “Where we going, Daddy?” (a favorite in the car) in what feels to
Fournier to be an eternal loop.
In WhereWe Going, Daddy? Fournier reveals everything, and that is perhaps his most remarkable quality. He does not hide behind a mask of cliché, but gives voice to the darkness that comes with disability, and the rare moments of light. Through short, powerful vignettes Jean-Louis manages his grief with cynicism and humor. For parents of disabled children, this book will offer some relief from the courage they must garner every day, a chance to let down their guard, laugh at themselves, and embrace even the ugly emotions they feel. For the rest of us, it’s an unsettling and heartfelt glimpse into an otherwise unimaginable life.
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爸爸,我們去哪兒 葉兆言 這是法國作傢傅尼葉的一本新書,剛開始,我隻準備說一兩句好話。在彆人著作的封底寫幾句推薦詞,來一段廣告語,如今很時髦,正變得更庸俗。有時候是被迫這麼做,我們常礙於情麵,完全齣於無奈。然而為瞭眼前的這本書,我不僅想說幾句,還打算寫篇文章...
評分劉西鴻 今年諾貝爾文學奬“開彩”那天,我把一封信投入街邊信箱。信是傢裏最小的11歲孩子寫給一個法國作傢的。發瞭信走過馬路對麵的報攤看到早晨新聞,這次諾貝爾文學奬得主又是一個法國人:J-M. G. Le Clézio。諾貝爾文學奬得主曆史上數法國作傢最多。勒...
評分 評分記得是一次在讀《一個》裏麵的一則看起來像短笑話的內容被吸引到來讀這本書的。 基本上書很簡單就是作者與兩個智障兒子之間發生的故事。令人驚訝的是其間毫無悲情,毫無故作深沉的傷感,有的是作者小小的自私,真真的人性,無言的幽默。難道是作者真的有如此好的心態來麵對一...
評分從來沒有看到這麼真實關於智障孩子的心事 如果這本書談的隻是愛、支持、奇跡,我會覺得那是一部無聊的美國大片。但是這本書的作者一直到60歲纔有勇氣去談談,自己作為2個智障孩子的無奈、痛苦還有愛 這讓我相信,這種在苦難中間留齣來的愛,是真的
圖書標籤: Non-Fiction 2014
評分Love is a tough business.
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