作者:(美國)剋雷格•萊特 (Craig Wright)
剋雷格•萊特 (Craig Wright),1966年獲伊斯曼音樂學校音樂學士,1972年獲哈佛大學哲學博士,耶魯大學音樂係教授,在該校任教已三十餘年。他寫有大量的學術專著和文章,內容涉及從雷奧南到巴赫的許多作麯傢。他也是很多奬項的得主,包括古根海姆奬學金,美國音樂學協會的“愛因斯坦和金科迪奬”,以及國際音樂學協會的登特勛章。2004年,他被授予芝加哥大學人文學科名譽博士學位。他還與布萊因•希姆斯閤著瞭《西方文明中的音樂》一書(湯姆森•希爾默齣版公司,2006)。
More than any other music appreciation text, LISTENING TO MUSIC, 5th Edition, helps students to develop and refine their listening skills. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern and integrates non-Western music throughout the text where appropriate, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Concluding chapters discuss popular music and its impact on musical globalization. Musical examples from each historical period are discussed within their social context, giving students a broad sense not only of the construction of a piece, but also of its historical and cultural meaning. This chronological text offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD comes packaged with each student copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text, providing numerous demonstrations and quizzes, as well as an audio guide called "Instruments of the Orchestra." Second, Wright's text is the only one to provide Listening Exercises built into the book; a total of 47 Exercises delve deeply into the core repertory. Third, computer-enhanced Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes for all of the music in the text are available at no extra cost from the Thomson Schirmer website to further challenge and test your students.
Get the whole lessons on http://oyc.yale.edu/music/listening-to-music/.
6-CD Set for Wright's Listening to Music, 5th and Listening to Western Music 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分看瞭公開課,Wright教授的知識淵博,風趣幽默是我筆力所不能及。這裏,我想說一說另一個有趣的現象。 公開課中,讓我非常驚訝的是,教授大大不僅對古典音樂充滿熱愛,對他所任職的學校——耶魯大學同樣,處處可見他的深情。並且,從第一課開始,就能感受到,他對自己身為耶魯人...
評分看書宣言: 有人在看到美景時隻能說句:“臥槽,真美!有雲,有水,還有鳥~”而有人卻可以吟齣“落霞與孤鶩齊飛,鞦水共長天一色”的佳句,給美景以詩意,給感動以升華,。做一個有品的音樂鑒賞者! 總結: 用心靈(身體/直覺)感知音樂(藝術),用頭腦去分析技巧。音樂是感...
圖書標籤: 音樂 music 教科書 美國 Textbook 藝術 耶魯 artistique_&_culturel
評分amazing wonderful
6-CD Set for Wright's Listening to Music, 5th and Listening to Western Music 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載