Douglas Adams was born in 1952 and created all the various and contradictory manifestations of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: radio, novels, TV, computer game, stage adaptation, comic book and bath towel. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's book was published 30 years ago on 12 October 1979 and its phenomenal success sent the book straight to Number One in the UK Bestseller List. In 1984 Douglas Adams became the youngest author to be awarded a Golden Pan. His series has sold over 15 million books in the UK, the US and Australia and was also a best seller in German, Swedish and many other languages. Douglas lived with his wife and daughter in California, where he died suddenly in 2001.
Thirty years of celebrating the comic genius of Douglas Adams If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe? Which is exactly what the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea. And did anyone actually make a reservation? Volume Two in the Trilogy of Five
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:想怎麼死,我成全你。 :慢著,殺我可以,不過得先說明瞭,我到底死在誰的手裏? :廢話,我呀。 :我……是……誰…… :我怎麼知道你是誰啊? :問題來瞭吧。 :什麼意思啊? :這得從人和宇宙的關係開始講起瞭,在你身上一直以來就有一個...
評分如果說《銀河係搭車客指南》和《宇宙盡頭的餐館》的前半部分 基本還是一齣 把人類社會的荒謬放大到宇宙層麵 的冷嘲熱諷喜劇的話。 那麼《宇宙盡頭的餐館》的最後四章則是如 田園牧歌 一般的透骨哀傷。 這四章在我眼裏,是所有 什麼都不信的不正經人類的終極問題,道格拉斯·...
評分:想怎麼死,我成全你。 :慢著,殺我可以,不過得先說明瞭,我到底死在誰的手裏? :廢話,我呀。 :我……是……誰…… :我怎麼知道你是誰啊? :問題來瞭吧。 :什麼意思啊? :這得從人和宇宙的關係開始講起瞭,在你身上一直以來就有一個...
評分中間那一大段關於時態的笑話讓人不知所雲.全書也隻能算基本通順。 比起上部隨意的文風,這部略顯匠氣,作為忠實讀者,稍覺失望.期待下部
圖書標籤: 科幻 小說 英國 道格拉斯·亞當斯 銀河漫遊指南 英文原版 英文 英版
評分讀完此書,我關於“搖搖晃晃 嘟嘟囔囔 聳肩賤笑 飛船架構”等方麵的英文詞匯有瞭很大擴充。。。
評分讀完此書,我關於“搖搖晃晃 嘟嘟囔囔 聳肩賤笑 飛船架構”等方麵的英文詞匯有瞭很大擴充。。。
評分What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
評分Some people want to find the life ultimate meaning, but there are still some people living without their own mind. The answer of the life ultimate meaning is '42', which may only be bullshitting of the computer. Even the ruler of the computer do not care the controlling or manipulating the university. Life itself maybe meaningless, so just have fun
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