卡蒂·馬頓(Kati Marton),美籍匈牙利人,幼年隨她的父母移居美國,獲匈牙利政府最高文職奬。著有六部作品,包括《紐約時報》暢銷書《隱藏的權力:塑造我們曆史的總統婚姻》《大逃亡》等。
"You are opening a Pandora's box," Marton was warned when she filed for her family's secret police fi les in Budapest. But her family history -- during both the Nazi and the Communist periods -- was too full of shadows. The files revealed terrifying truths: secret love aff airs, betrayals inside the family circle, torture and brutalities alongside acts of stunning courage -- and, above all, deep family love. In this true-life thriller, Kati Marton, an accomplished journalist, exposes the cruel mechanics of the Communist Terror State, using the secret police files on her journalist parents as well as dozens of interviews that reveal how her family was spied on and betrayed by friends and colleagues, and even their children's babysitter. In this moving and brave memoir, Marton searches for and finds her parents, and love. Marton relates her eyewitness account of her mother's and father's arrests in Cold War Budapest and the terrible separation that followed. She describes the pain her parents endured in prison -- isolated from each other and their children. She reveals the secret war between Washington and Moscow, in which Marton and her family were pawns in a much larger game. By the acclaimed author of The Great Escape , Enemies of the People is a tour de force, an important work of history as it was lived, a narrative of multiple betrayals on both sides of the Cold War that ends with triumph and a new beginning in America.
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讓一個人變得冷漠和殘忍,也許是天性,讓一群人變得如此這樣,也許隻有製度本身能做到這一點瞭。 在迴憶錄裏,作者呈現瞭東歐恐怖統治時候秘密警察的模樣,我也是第一次有機會如此細緻的瞭解到這一諷刺的製度,真正瓦解一個人需要的是發現他緻命的弱點,而秘密警察這一套成熟的...
評分《布達佩斯往事》與其說是解密那個東歐那個傢庭的密史,更不如說是解密那個時代的匈牙利,東歐,冷戰。 可以看作是作者對父親的迴憶錄。當檔案中對父親冷冰冰的文字的記錄和兒時與父親相處時點點滴滴溫馨的記憶,兩種記憶想象交閤在一起,讓作者重新認識到瞭原來父親也是一個有...
評分忙裏偷閑花瞭一天時間讀完瞭這本書,信誓旦旦說不再買理想國。不過這本不得不安利。 這幾年看過批判冷戰,極權的書太多瞭,這書算是其中最好,最深刻的一本。以往的大部分都如此,一番痛批蘇聯陣營的極權如何黑暗,以美利堅為首的自由時間如何美好。真的有所謂完美世界嗎?真的...
圖書標籤: 曆史 history 歐洲史 ☆備選原文書 GW
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