愛德華·貝拓福(Edward Betof)是教育學博士,是董事會人力資本高級閤夥人,同時也是TCB公司人纔與組織發展執行委員會項目總監。他是創新領導力中心的高管教練及高管團隊教練,也是LLC貝拓福協會主席(一傢專注於個人高管與高管團隊的教練與領導力開發的谘詢公司)。他於2007年從BD公司全球副總裁兼首席學習官的職位上退休。
麗莎·歐文斯(Lisa M.D. Owens)是在培訓項目中應用學習科學與課程設計方法推動業務發展的學習專傢。在她30多年工作於寶潔公司的職業生涯中,她先後擔任過寶潔領導培訓專傢、寶潔R&D大學校長。作為一名培訓設計方麵的內部顧問,麗莎因為她對於高管培訓師的輔導技巧而知名,這是一種由她開發的適用於寶潔公司“領導者任老師”文化的技能。
蘇·陶德(Sue Todd)是CorpU首席戰略官。她與領先的商學院(如沃頓、IESE和密歇根大學羅斯商學院)的老師們一同工作,將高管教育項目與領導者的實際需求相匹配。自1994年以來,她已經為全球2000傢組織提供瞭關於創新型學習與領導力發展戰略。她擁有20多年的經驗,谘詢過可口可樂、安泰保險、埃剋森美孚、波音、惠普、普菲策、瑪氏等公司,幫助它們應對21世紀的動力環境。
Leaders learn and acquire experience from many places, but ask successful leaders how they became successful; it's usually because they learned from other great leaders. The idea of using an organization's leaders as the keystone of a successful learning strategy might seem obvious, but few groups employ this strategy because they don't know how. It's not something that just happens - unless you're very lucky. So why wouldn't you use experienced leaders to inspire, mentor, coach, and develop other talented leaders to their full potential? Here's the journey of Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD), which created and deployed a leadership development program that relies on all its top leaders (even the CEO) to train other leaders. From BD's success of improved business results, improved communications and strengthened organizational culture, your organization, too, can learn how to build and implement this vital program.
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圖書標籤: 領導 導師 teacher leader
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