The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets set the standard for money and banking courses when it published in its first edition, and it continues to be the worldwide market leader. The historic economic events and financial crises of late 2008 have changed the entire landscape of money and banking. Having just served as Governor of the Federal Reserve, only Mishkin has the unique insider's perspective needed to present the current state of money and banking and explain the latest debates and issues for today’s readers.
Introduction: Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?; An Overview of the Financial System; What Is Money? Financial Markets : Understanding Interest Rates; The Behavior of Interest Rates; The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates; The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Financial Institutions : An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure; Financial Crises and the Subprime Debacle; Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions; Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation; Banking Industry: Structure and Competition. Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy: Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System; The Money Supply Process; Tools of Monetary Policy; What Should Central Banks Do? Monetary Policy Goals, Strategy, and Tactics. International Finance and Monetary Policy : The Foreign Exchange Market; The International Financial System. Monetary Policy : The Demand for Money; The ISLM Model; Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model; Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis; Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence; Money and Inflation; Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy.
For all readers interested in money, banking, and financial markets.
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總體來講,對金融的基礎有瞭大概的認識,沒有太過復雜的金融模型,唯有對復雜金融體係背後原理的清晰論述,告訴我們,什麼是金融,有什麼內容,應該從哪些方麵去認識金融。對金融入門很有裨益。 不過我覺得,入門歸入門,畢竟不能一本通透瞭解金融的全部內涵。所以我...
評分《Inside Job》記錄瞭此次金融危機華爾街、政府官員以及經濟學傢們是如何相互勾結、謀取私利的。有幾個鏡頭是采訪米什金的,看這本書的時候一直以為米什金是位伶俐的學者,但很失望,在麵對記者不留情麵的采訪時,米什金無言以對,甚至無地自容。他在2008年金融危機爆發前的臨...
評分讀瞭這本書 就能知道金融界的行為會導緻一係列的什麼現象産生 有的人說寫的是美國的情況 不適閤中國 那是沒有真正讀懂這本書的人說的 世界上的國傢除瞭法律體係 或是貨幣運作要求不一樣 所根據的貨幣理論都是一樣的 如果想真正學好金融 就要放眼世界 這本書裏在介紹每種理論時...
評分總體來講,對金融的基礎有瞭大概的認識,沒有太過復雜的金融模型,唯有對復雜金融體係背後原理的清晰論述,告訴我們,什麼是金融,有什麼內容,應該從哪些方麵去認識金融。對金融入門很有裨益。 不過我覺得,入門歸入門,畢竟不能一本通透瞭解金融的全部內涵。所以我...
圖書標籤: 經濟 金融 economics 貨幣金融學 貨幣金融 美國 經濟學 finance
評分雖然有些囉嗦 但總體上思路清楚精彩
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