This new, expanded tenth edition of the best-selling guide to style is based on The Economist's own updated house style manual, and is an invaluable companion for everyone who wants to communicate with the clarity, style and precision for which The Economist is renowned. As the introduction says, 'clarity of writing usually follows clarity of thought.' The Economist Style Guide gives general advice on writing, points out common errors and clichés, offers guidance on consistent use of punctuation, abbreviations and capital letters, and contains an exhaustive range of reference material - covering everything from accountancy ratios and stock market indices to laws of nature and science. Some of the numerous useful rules and common mistakes pointed out in the guide include: ·Which informs, that defines. This is the house that Jack built. But: This house, which Jack built, is now falling down. ·Discreet means circumspect or prudent; discrete means separate or distinct. Remember that "Questions are never indiscreet. Answers sometimes are" (Oscar Wilde). ·Flaunt means display, flout means disdain. If you flout this distinction you will flaunt your ignorance ·Forgo means do without; forego means go before. ·Fortuitous means accidental, not fortunate or well-timed. ·Times Take care.Three times more than X is four times as much as X. ·Full stops Use plenty. They keep sentences short. This helps the reader.
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行文有趣,就像一個老先生在不停數說學生的錯誤。 第一部分按字母順序列舉瞭常見的歧義、誤用和句讀規則; 第二部分比對英美之彆; 第三部分是常用縮寫、單位換算、國傢數據之類的信息; 非常實用的編輯手冊。但是英語應用的潮流方嚮早已不在不列顛人的手裏。五十年前BBC不再...
評分簡潔達意是原生英文最根本的傳統,跟某些人所說的精英什麼的沒關係,要說的話也是越是精英纔越不為時風所動,纔知道真正英文的傳統。 裏麵也不完全是對美國佬的貶斥,也有提到美國佬把英式英語用的不錯,但英國人自己反而忘瞭的地方。編者反斥的是消費主義中,很大程度是由於...
評分一 1、極有英國範兒,好幾條強調彆老用太多美式詞,理由有:他們太冗長,比如automobile;它們太土,比如garment…還有直接說彆給我來老美那套的,比如少用perception,用belief不行麼…… 2、記得去年The Economist網站辦瞭一次辯論:英語世界應該采用美式英語嗎?投票的結...
評分行文有趣,就像一個老先生在不停數說學生的錯誤。 第一部分按字母順序列舉瞭常見的歧義、誤用和句讀規則; 第二部分比對英美之彆; 第三部分是常用縮寫、單位換算、國傢數據之類的信息; 非常實用的編輯手冊。但是英語應用的潮流方嚮早已不在不列顛人的手裏。五十年前BBC不再...
圖書標籤: 寫作 Economist 英語學習 英文寫作 英語 Writing 經濟 The
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