Nox is an epitaph in the form of a book, a facsimile of a handmade book Anne Carson wrote and created after the death of her brother. The poem describes coming to terms with his loss through the lens of her translation of Poem 101 by Catullus "for his brother who died in the Troad." Nox is a work of poetry, but arrives as a fascinating and unique physical object. Carson pasted old letters, family photos, collages and sketches on pages. The poems, typed on a computer, were added to this illustrated "book" creating a visual and reading experience so amazing as to open up our concept of poetry.
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已經說瞭不晚睡,卻又破例,安卡森的這本Nox適閤夜裏讀。 當初剛買到的時候就囫圇吞棗看瞭一遍,左邊的詞語釋義全部跳過,隻撿右邊的"本事"一覽而過,豬八戒吃人參果,並未品齣滋味。最近看她去年的新作Float,裏頭一篇提到一個藝術傢的雙胞胎兄弟跳樓自殺,聯係到自身: I also...
評分已經說瞭不晚睡,卻又破例,安卡森的這本Nox適閤夜裏讀。 當初剛買到的時候就囫圇吞棗看瞭一遍,左邊的詞語釋義全部跳過,隻撿右邊的"本事"一覽而過,豬八戒吃人參果,並未品齣滋味。最近看她去年的新作Float,裏頭一篇提到一個藝術傢的雙胞胎兄弟跳樓自殺,聯係到自身: I also...
評分已經說瞭不晚睡,卻又破例,安卡森的這本Nox適閤夜裏讀。 當初剛買到的時候就囫圇吞棗看瞭一遍,左邊的詞語釋義全部跳過,隻撿右邊的"本事"一覽而過,豬八戒吃人參果,並未品齣滋味。最近看她去年的新作Float,裏頭一篇提到一個藝術傢的雙胞胎兄弟跳樓自殺,聯係到自身: I also...
評分Anne Carson通曉亡語。來自加拿大的她以英語寫詩,她同時教授古希臘語,亦是個古希臘文學的譯者。於她,書寫和翻譯,逝去的和現存的,不對立,反倒是並立的。她擅於重寫我們熟悉的人物。策蘭、薇依、希臘神話裡的革律翁⋯⋯都一一受過她的召喚,領受過她的剝削——扒下那張...
評分已經說瞭不晚睡,卻又破例,安卡森的這本Nox適閤夜裏讀。 當初剛買到的時候就囫圇吞棗看瞭一遍,左邊的詞語釋義全部跳過,隻撿右邊的"本事"一覽而過,豬八戒吃人參果,並未品齣滋味。最近看她去年的新作Float,裏頭一篇提到一個藝術傢的雙胞胎兄弟跳樓自殺,聯係到自身: I also...
圖書標籤: 詩歌 安妮·卡森 Poetry 加拿大 詩 生有時,死有時 宗教 傳記
"Prowling the meanings of a word, prowling the history of a person, no use expecting a flood of light. Human words have no main switch. But all those little kidnaps in the dark. And then the luminous, big, shivering, discandied, unrepentant, barking web of them that hangs in your mind when you turn back to the page you were trying to translate."
評分Let anyone who finds such things credible make use of them.Tomorrow does not give any promise.
評分Anne Carson的每套書都值得收藏
評分"Prowling the meanings of a word, prowling the history of a person, no use expecting a flood of light. Human words have no main switch. But all those little kidnaps in the dark. And then the luminous, big, shivering, discandied, unrepentant, barking web of them that hangs in your mind when you turn back to the page you were trying to translate."
評分夜裏讀的故事 白天仍縈繞心頭 兄妹二人 一個自小敏慧 循規蹈矩 學業有成 一個桀驁不遜(他小時候的照片 一張手上纏紗布 一張半個肩膀打石膏) 逃獄流亡 但這個傢裏的"黑羊"是母親的寵兒 有過真愛 流落到異鄉也擁有一個愛他愛到一見傾情永誌不渝的妻子 甚至他的狗狗也愛他愛到在他身後憤怒發狂 但他對於安卡森仍然是一個看不清參不透的謎 隻有死亡後她痛徹心扉的悲痛是確實的 隔著迢遙的時間與空間 她對兄長的擁有也是迢遙的 但是這一點微乎其微的擁有也徹底失去瞭 她身邊將永遠伴隨一個空洞 一個明白可觸的nothingness。但是,我不知道這樣說閤不閤適,也許死亡帶走他之後,她又重新擁有瞭他。
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