The first woman to be elected to The French Academy, the multi talented personality of Marguerite Yourcenar was a novelist, essayist, playwright, short story writer, poet and translator. She was an artist at reconstructing historical eras in the form of her novels. Her novels, dealing with modern issues set in historical eras won her immense fame as a writer.
The inheritance Yourcenar received after the death of her father, allowed her to devote herself to traveling and literary pursuits and love affairs on the Paris artistic scene. She joined a bohemian crowd of artists, moving between Paris, Lausanne, Athens, Istanbul, Brussels and the Greek islands, which inspired her travel writing "Nouvelles Orientales" and "Feux" based on Greek mythology.
Yourcenar was among the first female writers to live an openly lesbian lifestyle, and she moved to the USA in 1939 to live with her partner Grace Frick. The couple were to remain together until Frick’s death in 1979. She taught French History and History of Art, and continued to write: her novel "Mémoires d’Hadrien" was published in 1951 and enjoyed success with both the critics and the public worldwide.
She was an inveterate traveller and remained active right up to her death in 1987. She was a militant vegetarian and defender of the rights of animals and inspired Brigitte Bardot to set up her animal sanctuary.
Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, "Memoirs of Hadrian" has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imaginative insight of a great writer of the twentieth century while crafting a prose style as elegant and precise as those of the Latin stylists of Hadrian's own era.
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圖書標籤: 曆史 法國文學 羅馬 Yourcenar 尤瑟納爾 外國文學 瑪格麗特·尤瑟納爾 英譯本
評分看完瞭!力薦! 剛看到第二章,真好看啊!“I hoped to discover the hinge where our wil meets and moves with destiny, and where discipline strengthens, instead of restraining." 這不就是莊子麼?
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