韦恩·c·布斯(Wayne C.Booth)芝加哥大学荣誉退休教授。 格雷戈里·G·卡洛姆(Gregory G.Colomb) 弗吉尼亚大学英语语言文学教授。 约瑟夫·M·威廉姆斯(Joseph M.Williams) 芝加哥大学英语语言文学荣誉退休教授。 他们三位曾在芝加哥大学联合讲授高级写作课程。在经过认真讨论确立本书的大纲及计划后,他们分工撰写各章,然后互换,每人对其他两人的部分进行修改,几轮过后才形成定稿。本书因此达到了很高的水平而成为一部经典。他们的合作也成为团队研究的成功标本。
The Craft of Research, 2nd edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
reading report of The Daft of Research 20100120 (1th) This is my reading report about the book titled The Daft of Research. It’s obvious that my former writing “says little mo...
评分 评分我是才入门的研究生,对研究的印象早已不再是小时候的那种影响全人类的大发明,而是一些别扭的术语、彩色的数值模拟、公式推导,还有完善性的数据修改(这样使得研究结果看起来更完美)。时不时的听说那个那个人又发表文章了,心生羡慕却又有不甘,我真的要去做这样的研究嘛,...
评分如果你也想着如何写出有读者缘的学术文字,这本书是很好的参考。 从整理思绪到收集资料、精简论文,都点到要穴。 我大学的老师说:要有叫你的毕业论文超过5位普通读者的意识,不要制造学术垃圾。 其实论文的好坏,不仅在乎研究得是否深入严谨,且在于它的作用。 很容易清高的学...
图书标签: 写作 research 科研 学术论文写作 writing 思维 研究 笑来推荐
This manual offers practical advice on the fundamentals of research to college and university students in all fields of study. The Craft of Research teaches much more than the mechanics of fact gathering: it explains how to approach a research project as an analytical process. The authors chart every stage of research, from finding a topic and generating research questions about it to marshalling evidence, constructing arguments, and writing everything up in a final report that is a model of authority. Their advice is designed for use by both beginners and seasoned practitioners, and for projects from class papers to dissertations.
This book is organized into four parts. Part One is a spirited introduction to the distinctive nature, values, and protocols of research. Part Two demystifies the art of discovering a topic. It outlines a wide range of sources, among them personal interests and passions. Parts Three and Four cover the essentials of argument—how to make a claim and support it—and ways to outline, draft, revise, rewrite, and polish the final report. Part Three is a short course in the logic, structure, uses, and common pitfalls of argumentation. The writing chapters in Part Four show how to present verbal and visual information effectively and how to shape sentences and paragraphs that communicate with power and precision.
"A well-constructed, articulate reminder of how important fundamental questions of style and approach, such as clarity and precision, are to all research."—Times Literary Supplement
评分first edition
评分工具书 怎样做research
The Craft of Research, 2nd edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书