爱德华·威尔逊 (Edward O. Wilson)
Letters to a Young Scientist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
参加过鉴书团几次活动,第一次被pick,感到很惊喜,也很抱歉书评晚了一些。 年少时短暂有过想要在学术路上走下去的想法,后来大抵还是静不下心,容易被美丽新世界诱惑与影响,于是选择做了一个没什么远大理想的社会人。好在家里仍有个在实验路上孜孜不倦的科研工作者,于是看这...
评分参加过鉴书团几次活动,第一次被pick,感到很惊喜,也很抱歉书评晚了一些。 年少时短暂有过想要在学术路上走下去的想法,后来大抵还是静不下心,容易被美丽新世界诱惑与影响,于是选择做了一个没什么远大理想的社会人。好在家里仍有个在实验路上孜孜不倦的科研工作者,于是看这...
评分 评分从小到大,在“我想成为从事某种职业的人”这个话题上,要是每个人都能记住自己每一次回答的答案,估计不需要一千个人,作为“新时代的选择困难症患者哈姆雷特”的你我,就能玩出一千种“Cosplay”——因为那个时候,不是尚小的我们真的觉得自己“拥有多么无限的可能”,而是多...
评分图书标签: 学术 科学 生物学 方法学 科研十书 Science 学者 Science-as-a-career
Pulitzer Prize–winning biologist Edward O. Wilson imparts the wisdom of his storied career to the next generation.
Inspired by Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet, Edward O. Wilson has distilled sixty years of teaching into a book for students, young and old. Reflecting on his coming-of-age in the South as a Boy Scout and a lover of ants and butterflies, Wilson threads these twenty-one letters, each richly illustrated, with autobiographical anecdotes that illuminate his career—both his successes and his failures—and his motivations for becoming a biologist. At a time in human history when our survival is more than ever linked to our understanding of science, Wilson insists that success in the sciences does not depend on mathematical skill, but rather a passion for finding a problem and solving it. From the collapse of stars to the exploration of rain forests and the oceans’ depths, Wilson instills a love of the innate creativity of science and a respect for the human being’s modest place in the planet’s ecosystem in his readers.
相比给年轻科学家的信其实更像自传。读到Yasuni National Park那段老激动了。
评分too much ants, insightful opinions and rich experience in observational factual knowledge about biodiversity and evolutionary hypothesis in early and middle career; interesting change to theoretical works on population growth and eq'm latter.
评分E.O. Wilson,生物学泰斗级人物,若干个分支学科的奠基人,以自己的四十多年科学研究经历的一个个具体的故事出发,跟想要从事科研事业的年轻人娓娓道来这条路上的美丽和荆棘。借用奴隶社会的口号,“不端不装,有趣有梦”。读过的同类书中最好的一本,强力推荐!
评分thought provoking
Letters to a Young Scientist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书