Judea Pearl is a professor of computer science at UCLA and winner of the 2011 Turing Award and the author of three classic technical books on causality. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
Dana Mackenzie is an award-winning science writer and the author of The Big Splat, or How Our Moon Came to Be. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.
The Book of Why 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
拿到书之后读了两遍,第一遍是以欣赏和学习的态度,第二遍是以欣赏和怀疑的态度。学习和怀疑之后,谈谈读后感。 这本书的副标题是《关于因果关系的新科学》,显然,这本书是从科学角度论述因果关系的。这可能让大众诧异,为什么显而易见的因果关系,从科学角度却难以建立。甚至...
评分豆瓣要求1周出书评确实有些强人所难,以本书的内容含量来看,是值得开一年的读书会来反复研读的“新经典”。我们或许目睹了《自然哲学的科学原理》、《物种起源》相同级别的书诞生,何其幸哉。如果用一句话来为本书作品,那就是:这是一本你不看也值得买来摆在书架上的书。 本...
评分这本书说的是人类思维中最重要的逻辑关系——因果关系。 人类的大脑中有强烈的因果直觉,这种直觉在正向判断中非常高效。当看到一件事情时,我们能够很有把握地判断出它可能导致的结果。但是反过来,我们的直觉往往不够有效。也就是说,当看到结果时,我们常常无法快速准确地推...
评分图书标签: 人工智能 统计学 因果論 Causality 计算机 Statistics AI 思维
A Turing Award-winning computer scientist and statistician shows how understanding causality has revolutionized science and will revolutionize artificial intelligence
"Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality--the study of cause and effect--on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why.
这是@ 木遥 推荐我去听的书,因为他想知道书里所写的东西(基于因果关系模型来分析数据和作出结论)在我的领域里(epidemiology),究竟是新东西还是老生常谈。我的读后看法1)不是新东西,但本领域也有很多很多研究者并未很好地使用这些原则,哪怕很多原则其实是epid 101内容;2)最近几十年总的来说还是再越变越好,更多人开始主动运用这些原则;3)作者对传统统计的批判我不是特别赞同,但我也不不是统计学家;4)作者建立发展的那些计算方法并没有常规地运用在我的领域里,但我觉得很有意思,可以多了解一些;5)前一半可以作为我research methods这门课的课本推荐给学生。总之还是挺好一本书,虽然对于我来讲新东西不算多。
评分感觉写得不好. 如果要了解causal inference还是看标准的教材吧
评分very easy to read, 文笔流畅,想一口气读下去!可惜现在是凌晨一点。 有点想重拾两年前看了一点的他写的casuality了
The Book of Why 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书