保罗·奥斯特(Paul Auster,1947—),生于新泽西州的纽渥克市。在哥伦比亚大学念英文暨比较文学系,并获同校硕士学位。
Sunset Park 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在犹豫带哪本小说去旅行的时候翻上Paul Auster的sunset park 这是一部第一时间就因为主人公的现状二把人拉进故事里的小说 于是慢慢展开 看到了强烈浓郁的布鲁克林文人气息 尽管每一个角色都在逃避这些设定 从而有了迈尔斯不合时宜的隐姓埋名的蓝领生活 在佛罗里达 这是一个用视...
评分 评分 评分每一个作家的作品都或多或少地反映了他自己的生活,或是从人生的片断,或是从作家自身所独有的观察角度。选择去读一个作家,通常会读掉他她的全部作品,这过程难免乏味和漫长,小说、随笔、诗歌、散文……文体的转换也会带来作品质量的良莠不齐。从一个作家的处女座到其封笔之...
图书标签: 保罗·奥斯特 Paul_Auster 小说 美国 PaulAuster 英文 Fiction 纽约
Luminous, passionate, expansive, an emotional tour de force Sunset Park follows the hopes and fears of a cast of unforgettable characters brought together by the mysterious Miles Heller during the dark months of the 2008 economic collapse. An enigmatic young man employed as a trash-out worker in southern Florida obsessively photographing thousands of abandoned objects left behind by the evicted families. A group of young people squatting in an apartment in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The Hospital for Broken Things, which specializes in repairing the artifacts of a vanished world. William Wyler's 1946 classic The Best Years of Our Lives . A celebrated actress preparing to return to Broadway. An independent publisher desperately trying to save his business and his marriage. These are just some of the elements Auster magically weaves together in this immensely moving novel about contemporary America and its ghosts. Sunset Park is a surprising departure that confirms Paul Auster as one of our greatest living writers.
评分目前读过的Paul Auster里最温和的一本。
Sunset Park 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书