皮科·德拉·米兰多拉(Pico della Mirartdola,1463~1494年)是意大利文艺复兴时期的重要哲学家。他曾就学于博洛尼亚大学、费拉拉大学和帕多瓦大学,毕业后周游各地,参加了佛罗伦萨的柏拉图学园,成为继费奇诺之后的又一个中坚人物。皮科精通希腊语、拉丁语、多种欧洲语言和东方语言,熟悉古代文献和各种哲学学说。他企图调和柏拉图主义和亚里士多德主义的对立,建立一个全人类的世界宗教,把希腊文化、犹太文化和基督教文化统一起来。遗憾的是,皮科英年早逝,著作不多,但他对很多哲学和宗教问题都有讨论,在文艺复兴时期起到了重要的承前启后作用,他的著作具有鲜明的人文主义风格,赞美人的尊严,颂扬人的理性。
论人的尊严 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
The Oration on the Dignity of Man is a declaration of freedom of human being, which is the typical work in the Renaissance. Instead of the perceiving in he Middle Ages that man was humble, conscious almost always of his fallen and sinful nature, feeling him...
评分The Oration on the Dignity of Man is a declaration of freedom of human being, which is the typical work in the Renaissance. Instead of the perceiving in he Middle Ages that man was humble, conscious almost always of his fallen and sinful nature, feeling him...
评分The Oration on the Dignity of Man is a declaration of freedom of human being, which is the typical work in the Renaissance. Instead of the perceiving in he Middle Ages that man was humble, conscious almost always of his fallen and sinful nature, feeling him...
评分The Oration on the Dignity of Man is a declaration of freedom of human being, which is the typical work in the Renaissance. Instead of the perceiving in he Middle Ages that man was humble, conscious almost always of his fallen and sinful nature, feeling him...
评分The Oration on the Dignity of Man is a declaration of freedom of human being, which is the typical work in the Renaissance. Instead of the perceiving in he Middle Ages that man was humble, conscious almost always of his fallen and sinful nature, feeling him...
图书标签: 文艺复兴 哲学 人文主义 皮科米兰德拉 意大利 人文 西哲 尊严
《论人的尊严》是皮科·德拉·米兰多拉在23岁(1486年)时写就的一篇长篇讲演稿。是年,皮科就宗教、哲学、自然哲学等方面提出了900个论题,试图在罗马大会上进行讨论,最终,大会因教皇的反对而搁浅,但这篇为开幕式准备的演讲稿却声名远扬,被誉为“文艺复兴的宣言”。在这本小册子中,皮科赞颂人是自由的造物,能认识并能管理一切存在物。他提出,人的尊严来自于人的形象并未被先天地规定下来,而是可以通过道德自律、不断进取而实现自己的完善。皮科的论述无比深刻地体现了文艺复兴的精神底色;人文主义,对人的自然(natura)的确信,以及对不同学科、文化、哲学和宗教的开放态度。 意大利博洛尼亚大学的皮尔·博里(PierBori)教授对皮科著作素有研究,他为《论人的尊严》撰写了中译本导言。《论人的尊严》语言生动优美、情绪饱满,从中我们可以领略到文艺复兴时代的古朴,典雅和涌动的激情。
论人的尊严 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书