Craig Walls is a software developer with over 15 years' experience and coauthor of XDoclet in Action and author of Modular Java, published by Pragmatic. He is a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring and OSGi on his blog. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 7 birds, and 2 dogs. Craig lives in Plano, Texas.
Spring in Action 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
正在看E文版的,感觉不错,只是这是读的第一本E文原书,还不太习惯,盼望尽快看到中文版的面市,希望学习Spring的朋友都能喜欢,并从中受益,~~ )
评分首先你要有一定基础才能读懂这本书 其次,这本书里的代码有些没法跑,第四章AOP压根就没给代码。。。 里面用到了很多的基础知识,直接拿来用,也没介绍这些基础知识。 比如说里面的所有的程序论证使用了junit,这点让我很恼火 所以这本书建议想进阶的人可以读,而不适合初学者...
评分之前学习过本书的第三版,作为Web高级编程的教材。Spring对Java Web编程来说,可以说非常重要,Java可以说是一门因Web而兴盛的编程语言。本书的介绍重点在于SpringMVC,这一版本对于我感觉来说,最大的变化在于,使用Java配置来替代之前的XML配置,虽然说还能完全去掉XML配置,...
评分图书标签: spring Java 编程 计算机 in_Action framework 软件开发 程序设计
Spring in Action, Third Edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest features, tools, practices Spring offers to java developers. It begins by introducing the core concepts of Spring and then quickly launches into a hands-on exploration of the framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows you how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. The revised Third Edition explores the core Spring Framework issues, as well as the latest updates to other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring WebFlow and Spring Security. The result is a book that's both broader and deeper than previous editions. You'll learn the full range of new features available with Spring 4, including: More annotation-oriented options to reduce the amount of XML configuration Full-featured support for REST A new Spring Expression Language (SpEL) that makes short work of wiring complex values. Examples that illustrate the current best practices developed in the Spring community. This book assumes that you know your way around Java, but no previous experience with Spring is required.
评分重读。主要看spring security那章,在使用讲的还是很好理解,再加上mykong的示例,基本能理解其工作原理和基本的使用方式,高级方法,需要另找资料,之前magic负责写的项目,感觉能理解了,意外之喜
评分well formed structure & impressive explain.
评分spring in action 的第三版,感觉没有第二版写得好...
Spring in Action 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书