John Maynard Keynes, Baron Keynes of Tilton,CB FBA (5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946), was a British economist whose ideas have profoundly affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics, as well as the economic policies of governments. He greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles, and advocated the use of fiscal and monetary measures to mitigate the adverse effects of economic recessions and depressions. His ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economics, as well as its various offshoots.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was written by the English economist John Maynard Keynes. The book, generally considered to be his magnum opus, is largely credited with creating the terminology and shape of modern macroeconomics.[2] Published in February 1936 it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the "Keynesian Revolution", in the way economists thought – especially in relation to the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment after temporary shocks. Regarded widely as the cornerstone of Keynesian thought, the book challenged the established classical economics and introduced important concepts such as the consumption function, the multiplier, the marginal efficiency of capital, the principle of effective demand and liquidity preference.
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內容:★★★★☆ 翻譯:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★★☆ 裝幀:★★★★☆ 凱恩斯在他的《就業、利息和貨幣通論》(簡稱《通論》)序言中第一句寫道:“本書主要是為我的同行經濟學者而撰寫的。我希望其他人也能看懂它。”實際上,很多經濟學專業人士在閱讀這本書的時候,也感到...
評分凱恩斯是現代西方經濟奠基人之一,其實也可以看成反自由主義經濟傢之一。此書是他的代錶性作品。 資本主義製度建立之時,一直鼓吹自由市場,反對政府“掌握”經濟,其實也許隻是在國內,對外殖民和帝國主義行為倒是一直依賴著政府。可是隨著全球化的基本建立以及壟斷組織的形成...
評分內容:★★★★☆ 翻譯:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★★☆ 裝幀:★★★★☆ 凱恩斯在他的《就業、利息和貨幣通論》(簡稱《通論》)序言中第一句寫道:“本書主要是為我的同行經濟學者而撰寫的。我希望其他人也能看懂它。”實際上,很多經濟學專業人士在閱讀這本書的時候,也感到...
評分強烈推薦這本書以及徐毓枬的譯本。比高鴻業的譯本明顯要準確而且簡潔。 百度百科的資料: 他是第一個真正從劍橋拿到經濟學博士學位的中國人,也是親自聆聽過凱恩斯講課的中國人。他迴國後,就執鞭於西南聯大,後入清華。 他還是凱恩斯《就業利息和貨幣通論》的最早翻譯者,...
評分凱恩斯是現代西方經濟奠基人之一,其實也可以看成反自由主義經濟傢之一。此書是他的代錶性作品。 資本主義製度建立之時,一直鼓吹自由市場,反對政府“掌握”經濟,其實也許隻是在國內,對外殖民和帝國主義行為倒是一直依賴著政府。可是隨著全球化的基本建立以及壟斷組織的形成...
圖書標籤: 經濟史 經濟 Keynes
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