史蒂芬•法辛(Stephen Farthing)
Art 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
昨天在家中随手翻艺术史,很好,看到件很有意思的画作,出自中国人之手,是岳敏君的《处决》。很好,艺术起码要这个样子,有点才华有点思想有点趣味。 纵观整个艺术史,新时代的风向摆来摆去,一个个创新画家冒出来,艺术潮流却始终没较到我喜欢的那个方向上去,或者说我受newa...
评分 评分今年5月,英国航空公司easyJet对2000名英国人发起了一项“最让人失望的十大旅游景点”的调查,排名前十的景点中,法国有四个景点上榜,《蒙娜丽莎》不负众望被评为 “世界上最令人失望的景点”第一名。 据统计,每天到卢浮宫参观《蒙娜丽莎》的游客大约就有3万名,大家排成一圈...
评分 评分刚拿到《艺术通史》的时候,我的心里很自然地生出一丝怯意,真的是大部头,厚厚重重的一本。但是,结合它的书名,感觉到也在可以接受的范围之内。可是,就已有的阅读经验,我以为这是一部考验我是否具有恒久的耐力和通透的理解力的艺术专著。及至我翻阅了它的目录、章节和大气...
图书标签: 艺术 艺术史 西方美术史 Art&Museum 原文书 历史 英文版 英文原版
If you've ever found yourself transfixed by a Renaissance painting, fascinated by an Inca textile, or filled with wonder by an exquisite piece of Ming porcelain, this is the book for you. Venture inside its pages and discover exactly what the great artistic periods and movements of the world were all about. Written by an experienced international team of artists, art historians and curators, this absorbing and beautiful book gives you priceless insights into the worlds most iconic images. Organized chronologically, this book traces the evolution of artistic development period by period, with the illustrated, in-depth text covering every genre of art, from painting and sculpture to conceptual art and performance.
Art 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书