Daniel M. Solis
擁有20餘年軟件開發經驗,微軟、IBM等公司技術顧問,深受讀者愛戴和推崇的技術圖書作傢。他同時還是一位享譽世界的技術培訓專傢,在美國和歐洲各地傳授編程語言、Windows程序設計和Unix底層技術的經驗和心得。多年的教學實踐啓發他創造瞭一種可視化的教學方法,並總結瞭一套代碼與圖示相結閤的方法,為韆韆萬萬的入門讀者掃除瞭步入編程職業生涯的障礙。Illustrated WPF是他另一本暢銷技術書。
It was while teaching numerous seminars on various programming languages that author Daniel Solis realized the immense power diagrams have in explaining programming language concepts. Most people learn quicker and retain information better when the material is presented in a clean, simple, visual format. And that approach is exactly what you’ll find in Illustrated C# 2010 . Solis uses concise text and bulleted lists, tables to clarify and summarize language features, as well as his renowned, ubiquitous figures and diagrams. Each language feature is illustrated with a concise and focused code sample for complete clarity. The result is a unique guide that will help you understand and get to work with C# fast.
In Illustrated C# 2010 , you’ll receive an overview of the .NET platform and the role played by C#, and then you’ll move into exploring the C# language in its entirety, including all the new C# 2010 features right down to the most complex topics involved in C#. If you’re a C++ or VB programmer migrating to C# 2010, this book will be invaluable; the unique visual approach offers a far from lightweight treatment of C# 2010, so even the most experienced programmers will come away with a deeper understanding of the C# language. What you'll learn Details of the C# 2010 language presented in a clear, concise treatment New features in the latest version of .NET, in the author’s unique visual style How C# differs from and is similar to other programming languages, aiding migrating C++ and VB programmers who already know how languages work Who this book is for Visual Basic programmers interested in moving to C# C++ programmers interested in moving to C# Novice programmers interested in learning C# Students in introductory programming classes learning C#
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寫得比較清楚,是我喜歡的圖文混閤介紹知識點的方式,並且圖文講解變量、類,結構等等在內存中的存儲方式,這是學C++的時候遇到的睏難,而這本書在這點上畫得很明白,讓我們從本質原理上去把握,這點很喜歡。 寫得都是C#的基礎知識,所以適閤沒有C#基礎的人閱讀,也沒...
評分With clear structure. Rather practical with good illustration. Good as a textbook and a reference for a C# beginner.
評分看到第7章瞭,很喜歡作者的這種編寫方式。圖解。嗬嗬。 對於譯者比較失望,幸好以前學過C++,纔不至於那麼吃力。 真正的入門書,像我一樣的C#初學者強烈推薦!
評分作者C++功底深厚,在講解基礎的同時能夠從底層齣發,嚮讀者揭示幕後動作。 因此本書更適用於瞭解C++的程序開發人員來進行閱讀,閱讀之際我想您一定會有心心相惜的感覺。 PS:我覺得異步編程那裏應該講講lambda來簡化代碼,其他都很不錯~
圖書標籤: C #計算機 T_01_編程語言 Programming .NET
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