Learning Android 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Learning android是我目前接触到的最好的学习android的书, 在指导方向上也是比较合我心意的~ 主要有两点, 一是它complete&comprehensive, 刚开始翻开看到介绍 看到怎么安装SDK 看到quick start我就以为是那种入门级的~ 因为之前已经看了好多 而且也实际做过几个项目...
评分对于一本35刀,300多页的书来说,本书过于浅显易懂了。覆盖面甚至不及甚至Google的自带文档。 书的大部分内容都在讲如何开发一个twitter客户端~~ 呃~~~ 你懂的。 有时间的同学可以翻翻,没时间的我觉得就算了。再等等Pro android 3就要出来了。 可取之处在于每章后的重构实践。
图书标签: Android O'Reilly Programming 软件开发 编程 技术 Learning IT
If you're new to the Android mobile operating system, Learning Android is the perfect way to master the fundamentals. Written by an expert who's taught Android to thousands of people in large organizations, this gentle introduction shows you how to use Android's basic building blocks to develop user interfaces, store data, and more. You'll learn by building an example application throughout the course of book, adding new features with each chapter. Along the way, you'll also build your own toolbox of code patterns that will help you program any type of Android application with ease. Get an overview of the Android platform, and how this technology fits into the mobile ecosystem Set up your Android development environment and get started with simple programs Learn about Activities, Intents, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers Build basic Android user interfaces, and learn about Views and Layouts Create a Service to update data in your example application Learn how Android supports databases by creating a SQL database opener Test your application and publish it to the Android Market
评分小鸮(xiāo),鸮形目鸱(chī)鸮科鸟类,学名为Athene noctua。体长约20公分,羽毛呈淡褐色。见於欧洲、中亚和北非,已引入新西兰。白天活动,常栖息于开阔地。营巢於建筑物或天然洞穴内。食各种昆虫、小型哺乳类、鸟类和爬虫类。
Learning Android 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书