Civilization 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
第一章:竞争 为什么在西方文明前面,东方文明压倒性的溃败。 因为,他们明白,什么才是永恒的动力。 首先是贪欲。 为了利润,为了财富,哥伦布麦哲伦这样的冒险家才会舍生忘死的寻找香料,追寻东方大陆。 而讲求存天理灭人欲的东方大国却是停滞和衰落。这大致能够说明,作为人...
评分五味杂陈读《文明》 ——我读《文明》 文蠹鱼 这是读尼尔•弗格森的第二本书。先前的是开创性自传体,写顶级金融家西格蒙德。《文明》,又是大部头作品。说心里话,此本对于我来说,有分析上的难度。因近日曾读过袁剑的《大拐点》,不同程度上有相悖的地方。这个时候,我就...
评分文明的6大杀手锏 《文明》书中列举了西方文明为何能在近五百年超越东方的六个关键词:竞争、科学、财产权、医学、消费社会、工作伦理等。 用我们熟悉的马克思主义,概括为两个优势:生产力优势,生产关系优势。 生产力优势包括;竞争、科学、医学。 生产关系优势包括:财产权、...
评分尼尔•弗格森对中国人民很有感情,有事没事就写文章表扬咱们两句,算是一滴不折不扣的中国蜜。早在2010年11月,这哥们就在《华尔街日报》写了一篇文章,标题叫In China's Orbit,霸气得很,可译成“世界围绕中国旋转”或者“世界沿着中国轨道前行”,如果直逼一点就是——咱...
评分尼尔•弗格森对中国人民很有感情,有事没事就写文章表扬咱们两句,算是一滴不折不扣的中国蜜。早在2010年11月,这哥们就在《华尔街日报》写了一篇文章,标题叫In China's Orbit,霸气得很,可译成“世界围绕中国旋转”或者“世界沿着中国轨道前行”,如果直逼一点就是——咱...
图书标签: 历史 世界历史 文明史 尼尔·弗格森 History 原文 Niall Ferguson
If in the year 1411 you had been able to circumnavigate the globe, you would have been most impressed by the dazzling civilizations of the Orient. The Forbidden City was under construction in Ming Beijing; in the Near East, the Ottomans were closing in on Constantinople. By contrast, England would have struck you as a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war. The other quarrelsome kingdoms of Western Europe – Aragon, Castile, France, Portugal and Scotland – would have seemed little better. As for fifteenth-century North America, it was an anarchic wilderness compared with the realms of the Aztecs and Incas. The idea that the West would come to dominate the Rest for most of the next half millennium would have struck you as wildly fanciful. And yet it happened. What was it about the civilization of Western Europe that allowed it to trump the outwardly superior empires of the Orient? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues, was that the West developed six “killer applications” that the Rest lacked: competition, science, democracy, medicine, consumerism and the work ethic. The key question today is whether or not the West has lost its monopoly on these six things. If so, Ferguson warns, we may be living through the end of Western ascendancy. Civilization takes readers on their own extraordinary journey around the world – from the Grand Canal at Nanjing to the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul; from Machu Picchu in the Andes to Shark Island, Namibia; from the proud towers of Prague to the secret churches of Wenzhou. It is the story of sailboats, missiles, land deeds, vaccines, blue jeans and Chinese Bibles. It is the defining narrative of modern world history.
Civilization 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书