《組閤數據分析:通過動態規劃進行優化》內容簡介:Combinatorial data analysis(CDA)refe rs to a wide class of methods for the study of relevant data sets in which the ar rangement of a collection of objects is absolutely central.Combinatorial Data Analysis:Optimization by Dynamic Programming focu ses on the identification of a rrangements,which a re then fu rther rest ricted to whe re the combinatorial sea rch is ca r ried out by a recu rsive optimization p rocess based on the gene ral principles of dynamic p rog ramming(DP). The authors provide a comprehen sive and self-contained review delineating a very general DP pa radigm,o r schema,that can se rve two functions.Fi rst,the pa radigm can be applied in va riou s special form s to encompass all previously p roposed applications suggested in the classification lite rature.Second,the pa radigm can lead directly to many mo re novel uses.An appendix is included as a user’s manual for a collection of prog ram s available as freeware.
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圖書標籤: 計算機科學 計算機理論 DP 2011 組閤數據分析 Springer Programming
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