卡尔·波普尔爵士(Sir Karl Raimund Popper)是当代西方杰出的科学哲学家和社会哲学家。他的《历史决定论的贫困》(The Poverty of Historicism)和《开放社会及其敌人》(The Open Society and its Enemies)是西方民主思想宝库中的经典著作。波普尔曾经由于这两部书获得过英国女皇颁授的爵位。
The Open Society and Its Enemies 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
阿西莫夫在《基地》 中曾讲过一个故事,在基地的历史上,曾经遇到了僭主政权高罗的威胁。在双方交战中,基地人依靠强大的技术实力,施展了广泛的技术和经济制裁,使高度依靠基地产品的高罗人开始发现,自己的核动力刀切不动肉了,炉子点不起火了,洗衣机洗不动衣服了,温湿度控...
评分这是一个相当具有戏剧色彩和讽刺性的事件。本来只想当闲暇的谈资,但又觉得又有点记录下来备忘的价值。 这个事件的关键词有:施特劳斯、波普尔。很显然,前一个关键词有激素的作用,很容易刺激人们的肾上腺素,让人们心跳加速、血液沸腾。而后一个关键词多少有点让我不好意思...
评分现代文明社会的国家利益,除了短期的经济利益外,更重要的是自由民主、宪政法治的长远利益。之所以不同于那些【 极权、独裁、专制、人治、暴政 】的社会,就在于它的普世价值观,和在普世价值的原则指导下,建立的【 自由、民主、宪政、法治、善政 】的社会体系。 自由、民主、...
评分This is one of the most important books written in the 20th century, taken with its second volume - a searching analysis of the modes of thinking of "development" that takes in Plato, Hegel, and Marx. The best edition is this one, that keeps more detai...
评分一旦我们不再像预言家那样装腔作势的话,我们就能够成为自己命运的创造者。 ——K.R.波普尔 在K.R.波普尔的眼中,开放社会的敌人无疑是权威。 然而,权威的形成,在很大程度上正是因为我们的盲从。我们,为什么会发自内心地相信...
图书标签: 哲学 Karl·Popper 自由主义 Philosophy 政治哲学 英文原版 Karl_Popper 历史
'If in this book harsh words are spoken about some of the greatest among the intellectual leaders of mankind, my motive is not, I hope, to belittle them. It springs rather from my conviction that, if our civilization is to survive, we must break with the habit of deference to great men.' - Karl Popper, from the Preface Written in political exile during the Second World War and first published in two volumes in 1945, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is one of the most influential books of all time. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a 'vigorous and profound defence of democracy', its now legendary attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel and Marx exposed the dangers inherent in centrally planned political systems and through underground editions become an inspiration to lovers of freedom living under communism in Eastern Europe. Popper's highly accessible style, his erudite and lucid explanations of the thoughts of great philosophers and the recent resurgence of totalitarian regimes around the world are just three of the reasons for the enduring popularity of The Open Society and Its Enemies and why it demands to be read today and in years to come.
The Open Society and Its Enemies 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书