Burton G. Malkiel is the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics at Princeton University. His books include "From Wall Street to the Great Wall," "Naked Economics," "The Random Walk Guide to Investing," and the mega-bestseller "A Random Walk Down Wall Street."
A Random Walk Down Wall Street 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1. 智者,除非有先见之明,否则人们看不出1929年的股价已经明显过高,一些心智极高的人,比如费雪和凯恩斯,都认为股票定价合理。 2. 输家,在市场上屡屡输钱的人正是那些未能抵制郁金香球茎热一类时间而被其冲昏头脑的人。 3. 禀赋,金融市场具有一种超强禀赋,当人们对某种...
评分内容:★★★★☆ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 技术分析和基本面分析相互揭短已经很常见了,在股票市场中,除非你是一位赌徒,一般来说,你要倾向于两者之一。将两者同时有理有据地进行了否定,可能只有本书的作者了。因此,很多业内人士批评作者是一...
评分“告诉投资者无法战胜市场平均水平,就跟告诉一个六岁小孩圣诞老人不存在一样,因为这会让他们的生活失去颜色。” 波顿·G·麦基尔在其作品《漫步华尔街》的最后这样说道,这句话无疑是对该书的最好概括。诚然,告诉一个六岁小孩圣诞老人不存在,会让他的生活立刻失去...
评分用比较流畅的语言介绍了证券投资的一些常识。特色在于大量的例子,很有说服力。 p14 选美,猜测大众的口味。 p15 价值取决于其他人愿意接受的价格。 p52 并购通过装入利润而粉饰报表,并获取更高的市盈率。 p109 买股票买的是预期,而不是事实。 p116 90%的逻辑和10%的心理(基...
图书标签: 金融 Finance 投资 Investment 投资理财 Economics 经济 WallStreet
Especially in the wake of the financial meltdown, readers will hunger for Burton G. Malkiel’s reassuring, authoritative, gimmick-free, and perennially best-selling guide to investing. Long established as the first book to purchase before starting a portfolio, A Random Walk Down Wall Street features new material on the Great Recession and the global credit crisis as well as an increased focus on the long-term potential of emerging markets. Malkiel also evaluates the full range of investment opportunities in today’s volatile markets, from stocks, bonds, and money markets to real estate investment trusts and insurance, home ownership, and tangible assets such as gold and collectibles. These comprehensive insights, along with the book’s classic life-cycle guide to investing, chart a course for anyone seeking a calm route through the turbulent waters of the financial markets.
评分终于看完了这本如教科书一样的经典,实用性上,哟更喜欢the intelligent asset allocator,不过这本书把很多投资领域的问题和概念以及历史阐述的更清楚
评分insights揭示了很多inconvenient truth,就像Modigliani–Miller解释无税环境下capital structure对EV没有实质影响,active asset management can beat market也不过是个myth
评分基础而经典的投资理论介绍,作者很有意思。Neat and tidy.
评分终于看完了这本如教科书一样的经典,实用性上,哟更喜欢the intelligent asset allocator,不过这本书把很多投资领域的问题和概念以及历史阐述的更清楚
A Random Walk Down Wall Street 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书