彼得·布蘭德( Peter L.Brandt),從事期貨、外匯職業交易長達30多年,他是避險基金管理領域的早期開發者,同時為大型機構投資人提供經紀服務。他是備受業內人士推崇的交易快訊刊物The Factor的發行人,曾與布魯斯·巴布科剋(Bruce Babcock Jr.)閤著Trading Commodity Futures with Classical Chart Patterns。布蘭德主要是從事自有賬戶的期貨與外匯操作,交易生涯的平均年度報酬高達68%。
A top trader takes you through the markets and revels how he succeeded In Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader, Peter Brandt provides a play-by-play diary of his 2009 trading, offering an inside look at the difficult process and what it takes to excel at such a demanding endeavor. A long-time trader, Brandt clearly explains his thinking as he searches for the right opportunities and executes trades for 21 weeks. And by utilizing a diary format, he reveals exactly what it's like to trade, communicating the uncertainty that surrounds every trade and the discipline required to make tough decisions in the face of losing money. Along the way, Brandt touches upon his philosophy on speculation, market analysis, trade identification and selection, risk management, and much more. Fully discloses the methods and rules the author has used to trade so successfully for so many years Each trade include charts, an analysis of the trade, and a play-by-play account of how the trade unfolds Brandt examines all his trades and keeps a running account of his profits and losses Unlike most trading books, which tell people how to trade, this reliable guide will reveal the reality of this discipline and provide you with a firm understanding of what it takes to make it work.
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Randomly find this book on amazon. Frankly, it's not a classical trading book, but it's absolutely a life-changing book. First and foremost, I love the sincere and humble spirit of Peter. Traders usually disguise themselves from others; yet in this book he...
評分a,b,c3個價位點 我的理解是按照作者的止損原則,等腰三角在a點嚮上突破,a的最低價就是作者做多的初始止損,後來價格迴測,到瞭最低點b,這裏的問題是b的最低已經低於a的最低,應該是已經觸發瞭a點所建多單的止損瞭的,書裏關於這點什麼也沒說,就直接說把止損調整到b的最低,...
評分買這本主要就是想看看作者交易記錄,內容寫的很實在,把作者自己連續虧損後狀態反思寫的簡短而精煉,同時也把他自己的理念講的很清楚:保證交易的長期成功,最重要的關鍵是如何處理虧損交易,而不是行情判斷永遠正確,形態排列隻是交易工具,絕不是什麼價格預測方法。 交...
評分The trades driven by charts reading should rely on a longer time period, or wait for a more reliable chart pattern to be formed. It's more important to make the plan than just recognize the chart patterns. when and how to enter the trade, how to stop, how...
評分我有個大學同學,他名字簡寫是XJB,有一次買股票敲錯代碼,我們都覺得他要虧錢瞭。他收盤看看圖,說,我覺得能掙錢。他頑強地操作瞭幾天,真的盈利瞭。 事後我們就把這種隨機買入的操作命名為“XJB買”。當時XJB的這次操作是盈利的,但是“XJB買”究竟能不能成,我們心裏是沒有...
圖書標籤: 交易 金融 期貨 投資 投機 外匯 Finance Trading
best book on trading ever read
評分Factor Trading Plan, chart trading
評分不是看技術, 是看高手怎樣做交易,規則, 心態。。技術反而是次要的。 一般的書裏不會這樣大揭底。
評分short term trading are all liers! the edge exists at long term.
Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載