Donald Richard "Don" DeLillo (born November 20, 1936) is an American novelist, playwright and essayist. His works have covered subjects as diverse as television, nuclear war, sports, the complexities of language, performance art, the Cold War, mathematics, the advent of the digital age, politics, economics, and global terrorism. Initially a well-regarded cult writer, the publication in 1985 of White Noise brought him widespread recognition. It was followed in 1988 by Libra, a bestseller. DeLillo has twice been a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction finalist (for Mao II in 1992 and for Underworld in 1998), won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Mao II in 1992 (receiving a further PEN/Faulkner Award nomination for The Angel Esmeralda in 2012), was granted the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction in 2010, and won the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction in 2013. DeLillo has described his fiction as being concerned with "living in dangerous times", and in a 2005 interview declared, "Writers must oppose systems. It's important to write against power, corporations, the state, and the whole system of consumption and of debilitating entertainments [...] I think writers, by nature, must oppose things, oppose whatever power tries to impose on us."
'A brilliant excursion into the decadence of contemporary culture' - "Sunday Times". Eric Packer is a twenty-eight-year-old multi-billionaire asset manager. We join him on what will become a particularly eventful April day in turn-of-the-twenty-first-century Manhattan. He's on a personal odyssey, to get a haircut. Sitting in his stretch limousine as it moves across town, he finds the city at a virtual standstill because the President is visiting, a rapper's funeral is proceeding, and a violent protest is being staged in Times Square by anti-globalist groups. Most worryingly, Eric's bodyguards are concerned that he may be a target ...An electrifying study in affectlessness, infused with deep cynicism and measured detachment; a harsh indictment of the life-denying tendencies of capitalism; as brutal a dissection of the American dream as Wolfe's "Bonfire" or Ellis' "Psycho", "Cosmopolis" is a caustic prophecy all too quickly realized. 'A prose-poem about New York ...DeLillo has always been good at telling us where we're heading ...we ignore him at our peril' - Blake Morrison, "Guardian".
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讀書筆記136:大都會 挺難想象是個年近七十老作傢的作品,互聯網,it技術,都是這個世紀最前沿的東西,演繹的挺好,很有洞察性的預示瞭互聯網泡沫,甚至911。 互聯網這一波行情打破瞭之前的階級固化,一大群平民草根,技術宅男一夜之前富可敵國。男主小時候齣身齣身並不好,28...
評分 評分發散的思維,枯燥無味的對話。這本書沒有給我任何有用的信息,甚至情感上都沒有任何波動。日元指數是一周交易5天好不好,還一周7天,還動不動寫個日元又跌瞭,裝什麼比啊。買書的時候真他嗎後悔沒撕開包裝先看下內容。
評分100多頁的內容,讓我看見這位預言型作傢的瘋狂。“你怎麼過一天,就怎麼過一生。” 像喬伊斯的《尤利西斯》一樣,《大都會》描述瞭一天之內的故事。 廢墟中的寫作:9•11與《大都會》 2001年9月11日上午美國航空公司的11號航班撞擊由玻璃和鋼鐵構成的雙子座北座的定格照片...
圖書標籤: DeLillo 小說 唐.德裏羅Don_DeLillo American.Literature 英文原版 美國文學 經典 政治
太精彩瞭。情節性和思想性俱佳!尤其是作為2011年的作品,對cybercapital的討論也真是與時俱進瞭。或者說,dd這本書寫得也是蠻收斂瞭。或者說正如題詞獻給奧斯特一樣,這本書在情節方麵加強瞭很多,節奏感很強,如同一場資本的加速。然而,dd自己的風格又是一種減速,不斷以對話減緩速度。不斷前進的未來和寸步不前的過去之間在此刻的衝突!這是美國的尤利西斯的一天,也是晚期資本主義的蓋茨比的美國夢。車不斷在前進,卻有不斷盤鏇在城市內;車內是象徵符號的交換,車外是以生命對抗資本的個體。individual syndrome vs. corporeal complex! luv it!
評分The more visionary the idea, the more people it leaves behind.
評分“Hysteria at high speeds, day to day, minute to minute. People in free societies don’t have to fear the pathology of the state. We create our own frenzy, our own mass convulsions, driven by thinking machines that we have no final authority over. The frenzy is barely noticeable most of the time. It’s simply how we live.”
評分The more visionary the idea, the more people it leaves behind.
評分真的太好看瞭 一點都不想看Cronenberg的電影瞭 Delillo的奇妙冷峻又邪氣的描寫比white noise更進一步 a day in the life 相比Ulysses更喜歡這個
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