伊丽莎白·斯特劳特 (Elizabeth Strout)
Olive Kitteridge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
奥丽芙•基特里奇 周鸣之 长久以来,我想象中的奥丽芙总是一副豆芽菜小姐的形象,脑袋圆润,单纯乐观,从无危机意识。因为她知道无论何时,只要她大喊一声“波比”,她那小臂比胳膊还要粗壮的水手老公便会从天而降,仰起脖子咽下一罐菠菜,解救她于一切危难。 大力水手与...
评分新经典文化在这个读书季主推三本书,来自两位澳大利亚作家的《我们一起去纽约》、《雾中回忆》和美国作家伊丽莎白.斯特劳特的《奥丽芙.基特里奇》。我没有丝毫犹豫,选择了斯特劳特。因为在《大方》No.1 中读过本书的开篇短故事《药店》,斯特劳特冷静的笔触,淡淡的叙事口吻,...
评分快二十年了吧,张楚唱过,孤独的人是可耻的。 第一次听到的时候我才八岁,跑去问正上高中的哥哥,为什么孤独的人是可耻的?留着中分头穿着大方格衬衫的哥哥拿一把木吉他忘我地摇头晃脑,他冲我摆摆手,不耐烦回答我的问题。 为什么孤独的人是可耻的? 他被我问烦了,停下来想了...
评分快二十年了吧,张楚唱过,孤独的人是可耻的。 第一次听到的时候我才八岁,跑去问正上高中的哥哥,为什么孤独的人是可耻的?留着中分头穿着大方格衬衫的哥哥拿一把木吉他忘我地摇头晃脑,他冲我摆摆手,不耐烦回答我的问题。 为什么孤独的人是可耻的? 他被我问烦了,停下来想了...
图书标签: 普利策 文学 情感 小说
Olive Kitteridge might be described by some as a battle axe or as brilliantly pushy, by others as the kindest person they had ever met. Olive herself has always been certain that she is 100% correct about everything - although, lately, her certitude has been shaken. This indomitable character appears at the centre of these narratives that comprise Olive Kitteridge. In each of them, we watch Olive, a retired schoolteacher, as she struggles to make sense of the changes in her life and the lives of those around her - always with brutal honesty, if sometimes painfully. Olive will make you laugh, nod in recognition, as well as wince in pain or shed a tear or two. We meet her stoic husband, bound to her in a marriage both broken and strong, and her own son, tyrannised by Olive's overbearing sensitivities. The reader comes away, amazed by this author's ability to conjure this formidable heroine and her deep humanity that infiltrates every page.
Olive Kitteridge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书