Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) was a matchless writer, debater and humanist. Throughout his life he shone the light of reason and truth into the eyes of charlatans and hucksters, exposing falsehood and decrying hypocrisy wherever he found it. With his passing, the world has lost a great soul, the written word one of its finest advocates and those who stand for freedom everywhere have lost one of their clearest voices.
Arguably collects Hitchens' writing on politics, literature and religion when he was at the zenith of his career; it is the indispensible companion to the finest English essayist since Orwell.
"All first-rate criticism first defines what we are confronting," the late, great jazz critic Whitney Balliett once wrote. By that measure, the essays of Christopher Hitchens are in the first tier. For nearly four decades, Hitchens has been telling us, in pitch-perfect prose, what we confront when we grapple with first principles-the principles of reason and tolerance and scepticism that define and inform the foundations of our civilization-principles that, to endure, must be defended anew by every generation.
"A short list of the greatest living conversationalists in English," said The Economist , "would probably have to include Christopher Hitchens, Sir Patrick Leigh-Fermor, and Sir Tom Stoppard. Great brilliance, fantastic powers of recall, and quick wit are clearly valuable in sustaining conversation at these cosmic levels. Charm may be helpful, too." Hitchens – who staunchly declines all offers of knighthood-hereby invites you to take a seat at a democratic conversation, to be engaged, and to be reasoned with. His knowledge is formidable, an encyclopedic treasure, and yet one has the feeling, reading him, of hearing a person thinking out loud, following the inexorable logic of his thought, wherever it might lead, unafraid to expose fraudulence, denounce injustice, and excoriate hypocrisy. Legions of readers, admirers and detractors alike, have learned to read Hitchens with something approaching awe at his felicity of language, the oxygen in every sentence, the enviable wit and his readiness, even eagerness, to fight a foe or mount the ramparts.
Here, he supplies fresh perceptions of such figures as varied as Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, Rebecca West, George Orwell, J.G. Ballard, and Philip Larkin are matched in brilliance by his pungent discussions and intrepid observations, gathered from a lifetime of travelling and reporting from such destinations as Iran, China, and Pakistan.
Hitchens's directness, elegance, lightly carried erudition, critical and psychological insight, humour, and sympathy-applied as they are here to a dazzling variety of subjects-all set a standard for the essayist that has rarely been matched in our time. What emerges from this indispensable volume is an intellectual self-portrait of a writer with an exemplary steadiness of purpose and a love affair with the delights and seductions of the English language, a man anchored in a profound and humane vision of the human longing for reason and justice.
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有奧威爾之遺韻,我最喜歡的當代英語雜文作者,沒有之一。可惜英年早逝。 有關宗教方麵的看法與我齣奇地吻閤,所以讀來常有“把我想說的話都說瞭說的還比我好”之感,暢快淋灕。 另外他的辯論水平不低於寫作水平,和各路宗教人士的嘴仗簡直是吊打小朋友。嘴比Dawkins更毒,同...
評分有奧威爾之遺韻,我最喜歡的當代英語雜文作者,沒有之一。可惜英年早逝。 有關宗教方麵的看法與我齣奇地吻閤,所以讀來常有“把我想說的話都說瞭說的還比我好”之感,暢快淋灕。 另外他的辯論水平不低於寫作水平,和各路宗教人士的嘴仗簡直是吊打小朋友。嘴比Dawkins更毒,同...
評分有奧威爾之遺韻,我最喜歡的當代英語雜文作者,沒有之一。可惜英年早逝。 有關宗教方麵的看法與我齣奇地吻閤,所以讀來常有“把我想說的話都說瞭說的還比我好”之感,暢快淋灕。 另外他的辯論水平不低於寫作水平,和各路宗教人士的嘴仗簡直是吊打小朋友。嘴比Dawkins更毒,同...
評分有奧威爾之遺韻,我最喜歡的當代英語雜文作者,沒有之一。可惜英年早逝。 有關宗教方麵的看法與我齣奇地吻閤,所以讀來常有“把我想說的話都說瞭說的還比我好”之感,暢快淋灕。 另外他的辯論水平不低於寫作水平,和各路宗教人士的嘴仗簡直是吊打小朋友。嘴比Dawkins更毒,同...
評分有奧威爾之遺韻,我最喜歡的當代英語雜文作者,沒有之一。可惜英年早逝。 有關宗教方麵的看法與我齣奇地吻閤,所以讀來常有“把我想說的話都說瞭說的還比我好”之感,暢快淋灕。 另外他的辯論水平不低於寫作水平,和各路宗教人士的嘴仗簡直是吊打小朋友。嘴比Dawkins更毒,同...
圖書標籤: ChristopherHitchens essays 雜文 英文 隨筆 政治 文化研究 文化
評分這是CH發錶在白闆、名利場、大西洋等刊物的散文閤集。作者文筆好,犀利,去過的地方多,視角雖然有時比較偏頗,經常透齣激進無神論的味道,曆史細節不夠準確,但是可讀性還是很強的啦。這本書是挑著讀的,有些文學評論因為沒有看過原著就跳過去瞭。有些八卦很有趣,比如Samuel Johnson抖m,動物農場落到T. S. Eliot手裏沒齣版成,因為Eliot覺得太托洛茨基,而日晷給的拒信說,會說話的動物應該歸迪斯尼管……吐槽各種現代聖經譯本的所謂接地氣其實俗不可耐簡直太於我心有戚戚焉瞭哈哈哈,熊拉比要跟無神論騎士握手。騎士大叔當記者曾經到處轉,在中東目睹的一切,比如敘利亞庫爾德-基督徒聚居區,跟現在比起來簡直美好太多。要是他活著,看到伊斯蘭國的暴行,不知道又會寫下什麼犀利的文章。
評分H:以去偶像化成為偶像,本人親自Drop some knowledge一剛
評分Hitchens告訴我們文章寫得好是多麼重要。他那些不牢固的觀點,半熟的研究,對他人的冷嘲熱諷都可以被原諒,因為他文章寫~得~好~ 說話範兒和抖機靈可以讓人忘掉他的自大和惡毒,不知不覺700多頁就這樣翻過去瞭。
評分R4 read by Roger Allam. Believe me - It's Torture; Let Them Eat Pork Rinds, The Vietnam Syndrome, The Swastika and the Cedar; Flaw of Gravity
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