Daniel Yergin is one of the most highly respected and influential authorities in the world on energy, international politics and economics. He is a recipient of the United States Energy Award for 'lifelong achievements in energy and the promotion of international understanding'. Dr. Yergin received the Pulitzer for The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power, which became a number one bestseller and was made into an eight-hour PBS/BBC series seen by millions of people around the world. He is chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, the leading research and consulting firm in its field. He serves as CNBC's Global Energy Expert.
The Quest 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
#2013-02-12#夜读《The Quest》,1,苏联解体是石油产品国际化的重大推动力;2,90年代石油危机催生了几大的石油巨头;3,新时代,英美国家石油利益早已从"重商主义"转向"保证在公平市场上的可获得性";4,伊拉克战争与其说是保护石油,不如说是扶植针对沙特的竞争;5,现代石...
评分华盛顿邮报1998年对Yergin的采访,大部分篇幅讲述了他怎样从一个历史学者成为能源政策分析权威 Daniel Yergin should be the easiest guy in the world to hate. It's not enough that he's smart (Yale BA, Cambridge PhD, Harvard post-doc), rich (his business grosses $ ...
评分#2013-02-12#夜读《The Quest》,1,苏联解体是石油产品国际化的重大推动力;2,90年代石油危机催生了几大的石油巨头;3,新时代,英美国家石油利益早已从"重商主义"转向"保证在公平市场上的可获得性";4,伊拉克战争与其说是保护石油,不如说是扶植针对沙特的竞争;5,现代石...
评分介绍了近代史上和能源有关的历史事件,以及事件中的人。内容涉及石油、天然气、核能、光伏、风能、电力、页岩油气、汽车、节能、新能源汽车等与能源相关的各方面。 近代能源重点是石油,石油给人类生活带来极大改变,成为各国的核心能源,石油价格牵动各大国的神经,对石油的...
评分The central idea of the book is energy can be leveraged to impact global economy, and thus the importance of energy security can never be overstated. The author, Daniel Yergin, touches almost every branch of energy to make his ideas balanced and unbiased. ...
图书标签: 能源 经济 政治 Energy&Environment Energy 石油 政治经济学 金融
In this gripping account of the quest for the energy that our world needs, Daniel Yergin continues the riveting story begun in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Prize . A master storyteller as well as a leading energy expert, Yergin shows us how energy is an engine of global political and economic change. It is a story that spans the energies on which our civilization has been built and the new energies that are competing to replace them. From the jammed streets of Beijing to the shores of the Caspian Sea, from the conflicts in the Mideast to Capitol Hill and Silicon Valley, Yergin takes us into the decisions that are shaping our future. The drama of oil-the struggle for access, the battle for control, the insecurity of supply, the consequences of use, its impact on the global economy, and the geopolitics that dominate it-continues to profoundly affect our world.. Yergin tells the inside stories of the oil market and the surge in oil prices, the race to control the resources of the former Soviet empire, and the massive mergers that transformed the landscape of world oil. He tackles the toughest questions: Will we run out of oil? Are China and the United States destined to come into conflict over oil? How will a turbulent Middle East affect the future of oil supply? Yergin also reveals the surprising and sometimes tumultuous history of nuclear and coal, electricity, and the "shale gale" of natural gas, and how each fits into the larger marketplace. He brings climate change into unique perspective by offering an unprecedented history of how the field of climate study went from the concern of a handful of nineteenth- century scientists preoccupied with a new Ice Age into one of the most significant issues of our times. He leads us through the rebirth of renewable energies and explores the distinctive stories of wind, solar, and biofuels. He offers a perspective on the return of the electric car, which some are betting will be necessary for a growing global economy. The Quest presents an extraordinary range of characters and dramatic stories that illustrate the principles that will shape a robust and flexible energy security system for the decades to come. Energy is humbling in its scope, but our future requires that we deeply understand this global quest that is truly reshaping our world.
Energy rebalance and geopolitical shift and the role of technology will continue to play in the quest of energy
评分从14年在华府见Dan,到如今断断续续读了三年多。挑几个重点。一,寻租国家易得荷兰病,现金流入短期增加财富推高汇率,影响出口和其他贸易产业,可建立主权财富基金避免短期富裕;另易造成财政僵化,能源价格高涨时增加政府支出,能源价格下跌造成赤字,要不就是印货币导致通胀变向收税,要不就是国际借贷造成债务危机。90年代油企整合潮,一则提供了上游资源,增加效率,摊铺降低固定成本;二则提供更多项目,对冲地域政治风险;三则因项目本身规模变大;四则能够将技术和科技应用于更广阔的范畴;五则增加议价能力,减少交易摩擦成本。可以对比油价08年高企之后的“离婚”潮。天然气原在美国稀缺,由于偏执狂乔治米歇尔掀起页岩革命而 成本骤降,本土页岩气能用一个世纪多,并颠覆了原有的LNG至上观念,而卡塔尔和澳洲利益受损。
评分能源领域,变化太快,黑天鹅层出不穷。 本书有些过时。没读完就放弃了。 (书捐给社区图书馆了)
The Quest 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书