Neil MacGregor has been the director of the British Museum since 2002; prior to that, he was the director of the National Gallery in London. A popular presenter on BBC television and radio, he was named Briton of the Year in 2008. He lives in England.
In A History of the World in 100 Objects, Neal MacGregor, director of the British Museum, takes readers on a tour of the world by way of its material goods. From everyday items such as pots, utensils, and money to valuables such as art and jewelry, MacGregor shows that the things humans have left behind are often as rich and informative as written texts. Whether it's a strange and unique object like a throne made of rifles from Mozambique or a medieval German crystal, or a familiar one like a sculpture of the head of Augustus or Hokusai's painting The Great Wave, MacGregor skillfully weaves each one into the fabric of the society that it came from. In that sense, the book is much more than a museum catalog: it's a hundred keyhole views into a hundred different societies from around the world and throughout history.
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也許是我的淺陋,還是第一次看到這樣一部以器物為主角的世界史。說句暴露我水平低下的話,此前我一直以為世界史最好的就是斯塔夫裏阿諾斯的《全球通史》,那一套書視野宏大,角度客觀,我看瞭很多遍。 大英博物館館藏珍品無數,若從中選多當然易如反掌,然而從中隻選取...
評分最近,央視綜藝節目《國傢寶藏》正在熱播。我很應景地讀瞭一部“世界寶藏”——《大英博物館世界簡史》。該書由館長尼爾·麥格雷戈執筆,依著世界曆史的脈絡精選一百件珍貴館藏,分為二十個部分,通過文物們的“前世傳奇”一瞥人類曆史的究竟。 我最初對博物館的理解非常狹隘,...
評分也許是我的淺陋,還是第一次看到這樣一部以器物為主角的世界史。說句暴露我水平低下的話,此前我一直以為世界史最好的就是斯塔夫裏阿諾斯的《全球通史》,那一套書視野宏大,角度客觀,我看瞭很多遍。 大英博物館館藏珍品無數,若從中選多當然易如反掌,然而從中隻選取...
評分這是一本很罕見的書,從一個角度給瞭偶全新的視覺。 曆史本來就是一個過程,從一點到另一點的過程,它靜靜地躺在那裏,有如一件一件物件背後陰影裏的一隻眼睛,靜靜地盯著地麵陽光的流逝。 無論你喜歡還是不喜歡,無論那個時代是高尚還是墮落,它就在那裏,不聲不語。 因為如今...
評分人對於曆史的態度始終復雜難解,真實的記載、時間的湮滅與人為的掩飾相伴隨行。 曆史一直都是並將繼續被誤讀、篡改和修正,在這些篡改和修正中,一定程度的真實艱難地維持著。其中,由於改動起來簡單可操作、成本低,文字記載的所謂“信史”往往會成為謊言的重災區、真理部治下...
圖書標籤: 曆史 博物館 History 人文 文化 英文原版 博物 英國
評分Telling history through things. | BBC Podcast
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