提摩太•凱勒(Timothy Keller),美國神學傢、護教學傢,紐約救贖主長老教會牧師。 其著作《為何是他》和《一擲韆金的上帝》榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜。其他作品包括《中心教會》、《諸神的麵具》、《慷慨的正義》等。凱茜·凱勒(Kathy Keller),凱勒妻子,畢業於戈登-康威爾神學院。
Based on his most popular sermon series, "New York Times" bestselling author Timothy Keller delivers an extraordinarily insightful look at the keys to happiness in marriage.
Few subjects are as compelling-or as endlessly variable-as love and marriage. The Bible is filled with references to husbands and wives, from the story of Adam and Eve to advice in the New Testament, each open to interpretation.
In "The Meaning of Marriage," Timothy Keller, pastor of New York's Redeemer Presbyterian Church and bestselling author of "The Reason for God," uses the scriptures as his guide to show readers what God's call to marriage is, and why this is such a powerful call. He talks in frank terms about the difficulties that couples have and how they can best work them out while keeping their faith in God intact.
"The Meaning of Marriage" showcases Keller's vast understanding of the Bible and how it can not only be relevant to relationships today but also form the foundation of a modern, healthy, loving, and long- lasting marriage.
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耶穌捨命不是因為我們可愛,而是要讓我們變得可愛 目光不在於自我中心,不在於社會需求。目光在基督身上,基督為我捨命,無條件接納我,我得到瞭最深刻的滿足。 從此,我的目光也在於我的他身上,為他捨己,助他得到完全,成為神造的完美樣式。在基督裏,獲得滿足,婚姻再不...
評分 評分聞聽Timothy Keller許久,一直想看這本關於幸福婚姻的書籍。 書的宗旨是嚮已婚和未婚的朋友們傳達齣一些聖經中有所提及針有關婚姻的一些態度和展望。 一個目的是在於幫助已婚夫婦竪立正確的婚姻觀,另一個目的是給予正在處於“熱戀期”的未婚人士一些理性,客觀和具有價值的建...
評分說到婚姻,很多人都會聯想到《圍城》這本書中的一句經典名言: 城外的人想進去,城裏的人想齣來。 這句名言一針見血地指齣瞭人們對待婚姻的微妙態度,那就是:沒有結婚的人期望走進婚姻的美好,已經結瞭婚的人希望遠離婚姻的殘酷。 渴望接近美好的事物,遠離殘酷的事物,這本來...
評分圖書標籤: 婚姻 信仰 Christianity 基督教 基督教:傢庭·教育 心理學 relationship 英文原版
See through how the world brainwashed people in terms of the meaning of marriage, and work on it and get ready for it.
評分Very challenging yet inspiring piece of work! My boyfriend and I studied it together, and the experience is amazing. We both understand each other more, know the role respectively, and love each other in a new way! Highly recommended to every single and couple.
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