Tong Lam is Associate Professor of History at the University of Toronto.
A Passion for Facts 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 社会学 海外中国研究 历史 中国近代史 中国 政治学 方法论 近代史
In this path-breaking book, Tong Lam examines the emergence of the “culture of fact” in modern China, showing how elites and intellectuals sought to transform the dynastic empire into a nation-state, thereby ensuring its survival. Lam argues that an epistemological break away from traditional modes of understanding the observable world began around the turn of the twentieth century. Tracing the Neo-Confucian school of evidentiary research and the modern departure from it, Lam shows how, through the rise of the social survey, “the fact” became a basic conceptual medium and source of truth. In focusing on China’s social survey movement, A Passion for Facts analyzes how information generated by a range of research practices—census, sociological investigation, and ethnography—was mobilized by competing political factions to imagine, manage, and remake the nation.
评分如果几年前,我可能会比较喜欢这本书。但是现在理论也比较熟了,也开始正儿八经地做档案研究了,就不太满意这类作品了。作者的前言写得很好,文笔按照后殖民的标准看非常优美。但是正文里的很多章节,过于偏重于理论论述 ,很多时候都是浅尝辄止。我最不满意的是最后一章,作者根本就没说清楚。我特别期待他在前言里所说的把中国放在global colonial context考察,可是读下来似乎并没有什么呀。或许是因为我没有精读本书,以上可能是错解?
评分非常喜歡,借了圖書館的書不捨得還回去。。從「社會調查」看政治權力的運籌帷幄以及modern nation state怎麼在個人的身份認同的構建中發揮作用,以晚清和民國的人口普查爲例,算是清晰、完整。特別喜歡涉及到少數民族的方面,以及他是一位歷史學教授,同時還是是visual artist(星星眼)
A Passion for Facts 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书