Demystifying the Chinese Economy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分【http://blog.sina.com.cn/leiwon】这本书虽然篇幅不大,但涉及的领域众多,并且都是一些全局性的问题,足见林老师功力之深。个人认为最好看的章节是第二、三、四讲,其中对李约瑟之谜的解释尤为精彩。 所谓李约瑟之谜,包含两个方面:1)为什么在前现代社会中国的科学技术非...
评分一、国家战略: 放弃赶超战略,大力发展经济,从计划经济过渡到市场经 济,继续积累资本,提高人均收入水平 二、农业改革方向: 向城市转移人口,减少农业生产人口,提高农业生产规模 三、工业改革方向: 重点发展劳动力密集产业,一方面吸收农村劳动力,另外一方面增强产品...
评分这本书是林毅夫老师在北大所开设同名课程的整理。书中以“一以贯之”的理论体系去解释中国的过去、现在和未来,发展的成就、问题、机遇和挑战。 范蝥“三聚其财三散之”、“贵出如粪土,贱取如珠玉”可见早在春秋战国时期我国投机和市场经济就已十分活跃;《清明上河图》...
图书标签: 林毅夫 中国经济 经济 中国 经济学 东亚研究 中国大陆 China
China was the largest and one of the most advanced economies in the world before the eighteenth century, yet declined precipitately thereafter and degenerated into one of the world's poorest economies by the late nineteenth century. Despite generations' efforts for national rejuvenation, China did not reverse its fate until it introduced market-oriented reforms in 1979. Since then it has been the most dynamic economy in the world and is likely to regain its position as the world's largest economy before 2030. Based on economic analysis and personal reflection on policy debates, Justin Yifu Lin provides insightful answers to why China was so advanced in pre-modern times, what caused it to become so poor for almost two centuries, how it grew into a market economy, where its potential is for continuing dynamic growth and what further reforms are needed to complete the transition to a well-functioning, advanced market economy.
评分从第五章开始看,前四章没意义. 另外这里有一片很好的评论 http://wbro.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/2/227.full
Demystifying the Chinese Economy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书