Rachel Botsman is a social innovator who writes, consults and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through current and emerging network technologies, including how it will transform business, consumerism and the way we live. She is the author of the influential book What's Mine is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption. TIME magazine recently called Collaborative Consumption one of the "10 Ideas That Will Change The World"
Consultant to Fortune 500 companies and former director at the William J. Clinton Foundation, Rachel has presented at high profile events including The Clinton Global Initiative, TEDx, Google and No.10 Downing Street. She was recently named by Monocle as one of the top 20 speakers in the world.
Rachel is the founder of innovation consultancy Collaborative Lab and a partner in the Venture Fund, Collaborative Fund. She has a monthly column called Interface in the Australian Financial Review BOSS Magazine and is a regular contributor to WIRED on topics related to the intersection of people and technology. MORE
"We are facing a revolution in the way we think about ownership."
WHAT’S MINE IS YOURS is about Collaborative Consumption, a new, emerging economy made possible by online social networks and fueled by increasing cost consciousness and environmental necessity. Collaborative Consumption occurs when people participate in organized sharing, bartering, trading, renting, swapping, and collectives to get the same pleasures of ownership with reduced personal cost and burden, and lower environmental impact.
The book addresses three growing models of Collaborative Consumption: Product Service Systems, Communal Economies, and Redistribution Markets. The first, Product Service Systems, reflects the increasing number of people from all different backgrounds and across ages who are buying into the idea of using the service of the product-what it does for them-without owning it. Examples include Zipcar and Ziploc, and these companies are disrupting traditional industries based on models of individual ownership. Second, in what the authors define as Communal Economies, there is a growing realization that as individual consumers, we have relatively little in the way of bargaining power with corporations. A crowd of consumers, however, introduces a different, empowering dynamic. Online networks are bringing people together again and making them more willing to leverage the proverbial power of numbers. Examples of this second category include Etsy, an online market for handcrafts, or the social lending marketplace Zopa. The third model is Redistribution Markets, exemplified by worldwide networks such as Freecycle and Ebay as well as emerging forms of modern day bartering and “swap trading” such as Zwaggle, Swaptree, and Zunafish. Social networks facilitate consumer-to-consumer marketplaces that redistribute goods from where they are not needed to somewhere or someone where they are. This business model encourages reusing/reselling of old items rather them throwing them out, thereby reducing the waste and carbon emissions that go along with new production.
WHAT’S MINE IS YOURS describes how these three models come together to form a new economy of more sustainable consumerism. Collaborative Consumption started as a trend in conjunction with the emergence of shared collective content/information sites such as Wikipedia and Flickr and with the recent economic troubles and increasing environmental awareness, it is growing into an international movement. The authors predict it will be a fully fledged economy within the next five years.
In this book the authors travel among the quiet revolutionaries (consumers and companies) from all around the world. They explore how businesses will both prosper and fail in this environment, and, in particular, they examine how it has the potential to help create the mass sustainable change in consumer behaviors this planet so desperately needs. The authors themselves are environmentalists, but they are also entrepreneurs, parents, and optimistic citizens. This is a good news book about long-term positive change.
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評分以前是窮的不捨得換東西,需要商傢絞盡腦汁促進消費浪潮,如今消費之風盛行,斷捨離言論又逐漸火起來, 鼓勵通過共享模式來減少一部分的不必要消費, 但共享經濟說實話隻是一種創新的商業模式,創業者如何利用其打造齣自己的競爭優勢,真正造福於社會,還是有待商榷的。書讀到...
評分文:李夢 當經濟學傢Rachel Botsman在TED講座現場問起颱下觀眾,誰傢裡有許久擱置未用的電鑽時,過半觀眾都舉起瞭手。 「可是,我們需要的其實並不是電鑽,對嗎?」Botsman笑道:「我們需要的隻是牆上那個孔洞。」 這看起來是句玩笑話,背後卻藏著一個道理,即分享和協同...
評分文:李夢 當經濟學傢Rachel Botsman在TED講座現場問起颱下觀眾,誰傢裡有許久擱置未用的電鑽時,過半觀眾都舉起瞭手。 「可是,我們需要的其實並不是電鑽,對嗎?」Botsman笑道:「我們需要的隻是牆上那個孔洞。」 這看起來是句玩笑話,背後卻藏著一個道理,即分享和協同...
評分文:李夢 當經濟學傢Rachel Botsman在TED講座現場問起颱下觀眾,誰傢裡有許久擱置未用的電鑽時,過半觀眾都舉起瞭手。 「可是,我們需要的其實並不是電鑽,對嗎?」Botsman笑道:「我們需要的隻是牆上那個孔洞。」 這看起來是句玩笑話,背後卻藏著一個道理,即分享和協同...
圖書標籤: 共享經濟 協作消費 社區經濟 分享經濟 Community airbnb 社會 創業運營
評分入門書 有些過時
評分因為寫論文 看完瞭整本書 雖然某些章節跳過 但是這本書非常值得看 尤其是在這個所有事情都在網絡上完成的時代 品牌也在改變 感覺協同經濟更需要強大的品牌 否則無法成功。但是這本書相對軟化瞭品牌效應 而且著書時間較早 沒有對協同消費的弊端,發展問題與未來機遇進行深入討論
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