Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungarian psychology professor, who emigrated to the United States at the age of 22. Now at Claremont Graduate University, he is the former head of the department of psychology at the University of Chicago and of the department of sociology and anthropology at Lake Forest College. He is noted for his work in the study of happiness and creativity, but is best known as the architect of the notion of flow and for his years of research and writing on the topic. He is the author of many books and over 120 articles or book chapters. Martin Seligman, former president of the American Psychological Association, described Csikszentmihalyi as the world's leading researcher on positive psychology. He once said "Repression is not the way to virtue. When people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. Only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason." His works are influential and are widely cited.
You have heard about how a musician loses herself in her music, how a painter becomes one with the process of painting. In work, sport, conversation or hobby, you have experienced, yourself, the suspension of time, the freedom of complete absorption in activity. This is "flow," an experience that is at once demanding and rewarding--an experience that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates is one of the most enjoyable and valuable experiences a person can have. The exhaustive case studies, controlled experiments and innumerable references to historical figures, philosophers and scientists through the ages prove Csikszentmihalyi's point that flow is a singularly productive and desirable state. But the implications for its application to society are what make the book revolutionary.
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從我們呱呱墜地誕生到人世,到慢慢成長直至有一天垂垂老矣,我們始終在追逐幸福的腳步。我們是如此地渴望生活的快樂,渴望人生的幸福,但我們有沒有真正靜下心來,仔細考慮過什麼是幸福? 在節奏紛快,物欲橫流的當今社會,人們普遍被工作、學習和生活的壓力煩擾得喘不過氣來,...
評分當年僅23歲的我不知道該如何打發每天下班後至睡覺前的四五個小時時,我遇見瞭這本書。 當我讀到這本書前,我的生活是這樣的:吃東西,享受的是填滿胃的快感;看書,是因為它可以幫助我更快地入睡;運動,是因為我要減肥。就這樣,我做著A事,腦子裏卻滿是B目的。這種身與腦的...
評分過瞭30歲生日,突然覺得時間緊迫,於是在生日那天在朋友圈po生日照的時候,照搬瞭某位網紅的簽名:“我還年輕,我沒有時間。”即便如此,我好像也沒有真正的目標,不知道這時間用來做什麼。工作?談戀愛?熱衷相親和結婚?下班後的充電學習?專注於某項運動? 沒有目標,再多...
圖書標籤: 心理學 積極心理學 flow 思維 自我管理 Psychology 心理 沉浸
如果有六星的話就給六星瞭。這本書怕是我看過的給瞭我最多答案而不是問題的書瞭。相見恨晚啊相見恨晚。如果我初高中自己獨自追求人生的意義的時候遇見這本書,我可能遠不是今天這個樣子瞭。這本書可以當成“人生的意義”這個問題的終極指南,也可以當成社會學和政治學某種有趣的本質視角,是對諸如存在主義等本體論追問的最好迴答,也是見識宗教和文化在成功地給人們秩序感的同時陷入某種混沌的好去處。。。。。。成為一個有著autotelic personality(想想老子的“道”吧,似乎都是說的同一迴事)的人應該成為我的最高追求。
評分作者為人生提供瞭一個無限適用的解決方案,鼓勵我們去追求complexity,complexity裏麵蘊藏著optimal experience, 也就是flow,而能體會到心流纔是幸福所在。在以 skills / challenge分彆為橫縱軸的象限內,存在一個 flow tunnel,在這個tunnel內,挑戰和技巧的相匹配,tunnel的左邊是anxiety,tunnel的右邊是boredom,尋找到這個tunnel是我們麵對各種體驗時的目標。書的邏輯:1.定義“幸福” 2.解剖“意識” 3.解釋何為enjoyment和生活質量 4.flow的條件 5.身/心的flow 6.工作/人際關係的flow 7.阻礙flow的障礙 8.人生的意義(比較不明所以),讀起來挺爽,每天100+頁。
評分如何進入心流狀態:1、清晰的目標與行動準則 2、即時反饋 3、有挑戰感使人全神貫注 4、感覺不到時間流逝。【OMG,這不就是遊戲狀態的我嗎= =
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