Democracy in America 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分没有一个国家的法律能够预先定出一切,没有一个国家的制度能够代替理性和民情。 ——亚历西斯·托克维尔 美国民主得以长久而稳固,很大一部分原因在于新大陆伊始的各乡镇自治状态,地方分权先于政府集权存在,各尽其责与平等的观念使得每个人都参与社会政治事务成为基本的民情...
评分一、托克维尔对于民主的理解 托克维尔从未对民主给予严格的、统一的定义。他的民主概念内涵丰富丰富,不乏不一致和含糊之处,包括趋向平等的社会状态、人民主权的政治形式,中产阶级的统治和下层民众政治等内容;但总体而言,托克维尔把民主理解为一种社会状态和一种政治形式。...
图书标签: 政治 美国 托克维尔 民主 政治学 Tocqueville 自由主义 Politics
From America's call for a free press to its embrace of the capitalist system, Democracy in America--first published in 1835--enlightens, entertains, and endures as a brilliant study of our national government and character. Philosopher John Stuart Mill called it "among the most remarkable productions of our time." Woodrow Wilson wrote that de Tocqueville's ability to illuminate the actual workings of American democracy was "possibly without rival."
For today's readers, de Tocqueville's concern about the effect of majority rule on the rights of individuals remains deeply meaningful. His shrewd observations about the "almost royal prerogatives" of the president and the need for virtue in elected officials are particularly prophetic. His profound insights into the great rewards and responsibilities of democratic government are words every American needs to read, contemplate, and remember.
From America's call for a free press to its embrace of the capitalist system Democracy in America enlightens, entertains, and endures as a brilliant study of our national government and character. De Toqueville's concern about the effect of majority rule on the rights of individuals remains deeply meaningful. His insights into the great rewards and responsibilities of democratic government are words every American needs to read, contemplate, and remember.
评分Equality is a trend which no one is able to stop, but everyone have the capacity to choose whether equality lead to despotism or freedom.
评分Equality is a trend which no one is able to stop, but everyone have the capacity to choose whether equality lead to despotism or freedom.
Democracy in America 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书