康德政治著作选 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 康德 政治哲学 政治 康德政治哲学 齐·剑桥政治思想史原著系列(影印本)(中国政法大学出版社) 英文版 英文原版 政治学
First published in 1970,this much-acclaimed collection of the political writings of Immanuel Kant has now been revised and expanded for publication in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.Three important texts are translated her for the frst time,and Professor Reiss has added,in addition to an extended bibliography,a substantial postscript,looking at recent developments in Kantian scholarship and the changes that these have wrought in our understanding f Kant s political thought.
In his general introduction,Professor Reiss outlines the central tenets of Kant s political philosphy,relating the texts translated to the broader intellectual context of the European enlightemment and Kant s own work on moral philosophy and the philosophy of history ,Kants aim was to establish the based and to provide a philosphical vindication of representative,constitutional government that would guarantee respect for the political rights of all individuals.
康德政治著作选 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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