The Pittsburgh School of Philosophy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 哲学 分析哲学 语言哲学 行动哲学 知识论 新实用主义 实用主义
In this volume, Maher contextualizes the work of a group of contemporary analytic philosophers-The Pittsburgh School-whose work is characterized by an interest in the history of philosophy and a commitment to normative functionalism, or the insight that to identify something as a manifestation of conceptual capacities is to place it in a space of norms. Wilfrid Sellars claimed that humans are distinctive because they occupy a norm-governed "space of reasons." Along with Sellars, Robert Brandom and John McDowell have tried to work out the implications of that idea for understanding knowledge, thought, norms, language, and intentional action. The aim of this book is to introduce their shared views on those topics, while also charting a few key disputes between them.
评分有些记忆片段会莫名那么真切,比如高二的那个下午,我在学校体育馆的幕后读到这部书篇首Sellars的句子,“哲学的目标抽象言之即是要理解最广泛意义上的事物是怎样在最广泛的意义上勾连在一起的。”那些时日的憔悴、焦虑与兴奋都一股脑地重现,不愿多思... 总之,这是一部很细致精当阐释匹兹堡学派的导论,各方面对读者很照顾。匹派三人虽各有千秋,但都以富有个人风格的方式严肃推进了当代哲学议题的探讨。在分析哲学枯燥的常规科学氛围中,这样的角色,自然是讨人喜欢的。
The Pittsburgh School of Philosophy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书