Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 媒体控制 政治学 比较政治 中国政治 海外中国研究 传播学 威权韧性 当代中国
In most liberal democracies commercialized media is taken for granted, but in many authoritarian regimes the introduction of market forces in the media represents a radical break from the past with uncertain political and social implications. In Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China, Daniela Stockmann argues that the consequences of media marketization depend on the institutional design of the state. In one-party regimes such as China, market-based media promote regime stability rather than destabilizing authoritarianism or bringing about democracy. By analyzing the Chinese media, Stockmann ties trends of market liberalism in China to other authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and the post-Soviet region. Drawing on in-depth interviews with Chinese journalists and propaganda officials as well as more than 2000 newspaper articles, experiments and public opinion data sets, this book links censorship among journalists with patterns of media consumption and media's effects on public opinion.
市场化提高媒体在大众理解中的可信度,从而帮助专制政权引导民意,Stockmann的基本功非常扎实,从American politics里的媒体理论入手,lit review读来十分有用,但研究本身有些冗长无聊。行文方式十分正统,可以说体现了当下政治学的潮流和趋势,即提出假设事无巨细,用精细的实验/数据方法验证微小的问题,最后对比其他国家案例,试图从中引申出总体性的结论。不可谓不好,但我总感觉这样的方法最终会限制这个学科的创造力。
评分民主会扭曲我们对威权的认识,将复杂的机制简化,就这一点来说,两种体制是类似的。以及,威权也会在市场化进程中,面对社会的民主化要求做出积极回应,呈现民主政体的特征。而威权政体借助市场化媒介进行社会管理的方式,民主国家也有仿效者。作者超越政体限制而探究内在机制的科学精神是我非常喜欢的。 以量化的方法,得出新左派的结论,可以说多少有些讽刺了。作者对于中国媒体市场化悖论的解释自然是完美自洽的,只是这种宏观视角难免因变化的缓慢陷入悲观,忽视市场化给个体层面带来的积极变化,从而一定程度上抹杀了市场化积极的一面,这倒是仍值得商榷的地方。我也曾听一位亲历者评价,当时的小报给了他许多新视角和新观点。 这种讨论主要是传统媒体,今日头条之类的科技公司又是如何与权力中心互动,其实也是未来值得研究的新问题。
Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书