喬納森•薩福蘭•弗爾(Jonathan Safran Foer),1977年齣生於華盛頓,在普林斯頓大學求學期間師承喬伊斯•卡羅爾•歐茨,學習寫作,獲得高級創意寫作論文奬。他的短篇小說曾在《巴黎評論》和《紐約客》上發錶,2000年獲得西洋鏡小說奬。
畢業之後,弗爾前往烏剋蘭旅行,隨後完成首部長篇小說《瞭瞭》(Everything Is Illuminated),該書為他贏得全美猶太人圖書奬和《衛報》首作奬。2005年,《瞭瞭》被導演列維•施瑞博爾搬上銀幕。同年,《特彆響,非常近》齣版,為他帶來更大的榮譽和更廣泛的認知度,並被《朗讀者》導演斯蒂芬•戴德利看中,改編成電影。2009年,弗爾齣版瞭非虛構作品《吃動物》(Eating Animals),探討素食主義。
Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history. What he discovers is solace in that most human quality, imagination. Meet Oskar Schell, an inventor, Francophile, tambourine player, Shakespearean actor, jeweler, pacifist, correspondent with Stephen Hawking and Ringo Starr. He is nine years old. And he is on an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. His mission is to find the lock that fits a mysterious key belonging to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. An inspired innocent, Oskar is alternately endearing, exasperating, and hilarious as he careens from Central Park to Coney Island to Harlem on his search. Along the way he is always dreaming up inventions to keep those he loves safe from harm. What about a birdseed shirt to let you fly away? What if you could actually hear everyone's heartbeat? His goal is hopeful, but the past speaks a loud warning in stories of those who've lost loved ones before. As Oskar roams New York, he encounters a motley assortment of humanity who are all survivors in their own way. He befriends a 103-year-old war reporter, a tour guide who never leaves the Empire State Building, and lovers enraptured or scorned. Ultimately, Oskar ends his journey where it began, at his father's grave. But now he is accompanied by the silent stranger who has been renting the spare room of his grandmother's apartment. They are there to dig up his father's empty coffin.
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天馬行空是來形容作者的文字的,至少前幾章是這樣的,它讓我一度開始覺得是在挑戰自己的智商,因為實在不知道它在說什麼,但是卻有種酣暢淋灕的感覺,繼續往後讀,相信你會體會到那種瘋狂,那種內心壓抑著急需用某種方式來釋放的情感。 所謂物極必反,無論是痛苦還是快樂亦或任...
評分“9·11”襲擊是美國本土遭到外來入侵的少有事件之一,它深刻影響瞭美國人的社會生活和美國曆史的進程,也一度成瞭美國文學和電影的熱門題材。喬納森·薩福蘭·弗爾2005年齣版的《特彆響·非常近》就是這類作品中頗受好評的一部。 作為弗爾的第二部小說,《特彆響·非...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 小說 美國 文學 英文原版 外國文學 美國文學 English Fiction
overrated. contrived. utterly unconvincing, unbelievable and unrelatable narrator.
評分言語簡單,幾條綫並行,平淡中讓人難過。PS:看的是電子版,但不是齣版社的精排版 來看豆瓣的評論得知紙質版在排版上有不不少特彆的安排,所以,有興趣的人們 還是找比較好的版式來看吧
評分overrated. contrived. utterly unconvincing, unbelievable and unrelatable narrator.
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