Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics at Yale University. He is author of "The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century" (Princeton) and "Market Volatility and Macro Markets", which won the 1996 Paul A. Samuelson Award.
Irrational Exuberance 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分我2006年看的, 越看胆子越大, 68追的600150, 190出的. 不过要是没看过, 我不会在过去2年坚决不买房,不贷款, 不会那么坚决的在2008年初把70%的仓位买了2年国债,
评分p24 对于房地产泡沫的分析比较全面。 p46 对于46岁年龄组的滑坡造成的2009年股市下降有点意思。不过新经济崛起的也很快。 p78 研究反馈和负反馈循环的混沌理论,可以解决股市泡沫的一些问题。 p178 流行病模型的重要性 还真是认真讨论了一下《股票长期趋势》一书。 (其实如果...
评分本学期我选修了这门课,会随着课程而更新课堂笔记:1-7课,8-14课,15-23课(完) 这是入门级的概论课。如果你有一点金融基础,就不必看了。 自己收集的书目:金融通识 Finance for Liberal Arts Course Description: Financial institutions are a pillar of civilized societ...
评分不仅仅是因为它在畅销书排行榜上赫赫有名,更是因为想在金融危机的背景下看看希勒对于市场的现实主义看法,我选择了读《非理性繁荣》这本书。 在《非理性繁荣》一书中,作者通篇用大量研究数据和通篇的新闻、资料等证明说明了在不同时期股票市场和资本市场的非理性的繁荣状态,...
图书标签: 金融 Finance 经济 经济学 IrrationalExuberate Economics Shiller CFA
This first edition of this book was a broad study, drawing on a wide range of published research and historical evidence, of the enormous stock market boom that started around 1982 and picked up incredible speed after 1995. Although it took as its specific starting point this ongoing boom, it placed it in the context of stock market booms generally, and it also made concrete suggestions regarding policy changes that should be initiated in response to this and other such booms. The book argued that the boom represents a speculative bubble, not grounded in sensible economic fundamentals. Part one of the book considered structural factors behind the boom. A list of twelve precipitating factors that appear to be its ultimate causes was given. Amplification mechanisms, naturally-occurring Ponzi processes, that enlarge the effects of these precipitating factors, were described. Part Two discussed cultural factors, the effects of the news media, and of "new era" economic thinking. Part Three discussed psychological factors, psychological anchors for the market and herd behavior. Part Four discussed attempts to rationalize exuberance: efficient markets theory and theories that investors are learning. Part Five presented policy options and actions that should be taken. The second edition, 2005, added an analysis of the real estate bubble as similar to the stock market bubble that preceded it, and warned that "Significant further rises in these markets could lead, eventually, to even more significant declines. The bad outcome could be that eventual declines would result in a substantial increase in the rate of personal bankruptcies, which could lead to a secondary string of bankruptcies of financial institutions as well. Another long-run consequence could be a decline in consumer and business confidence, and another, possibly worldwide, recession." Thus, the second edition of this book was among the first to warn of the global financial crisis that began with the subprime mortgage debacle in 2007
阅读希勒著作的过程,实际上就是提高自身对危机的免疫力的过程. 从房价的波动中很难看出房价的长期走势,当人们乐观时房价上涨,但房价过高时又会有很多因素迫使其下跌。
评分1. Psychological effects do play an important role in the stock market peaks (or troughs). Irrational exuberance does exist 2. Irrational exuberance cannot be eliminated. There are some possible solutions: more effective risk management by individuals, guidance and proper interest rate policy from monetary authorities and improved information flow.
评分一篇不含math & stats的通俗paper
评分四點床上驚醒,遂看完最後一點。貌似緣起緣滅就是這本書~據說席勒童鞋在Yale被學生罷課,只想說熊孩子的爸媽還真這麼厲害了,Skull & Bones…還有溜達哈佛,可見Porcellian Club那幢樓以及豬頭標誌,還有各地會所…所以非理性繁榮,這種繁榮只是對少數人而言的…人類本性只要尚存,泡沫就接著有,市場永遠是非理性的,所以我對某些市場還是持有樂觀態度,某些持有悲觀情緒…
Irrational Exuberance 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书