"Oprah's Book Club(r) May 1999 Selection Astrid is the only child of a single mother, Ingrid, a brilliant, obsessed poet who wields her luminous beauty to intimidate and manipulate men. Astrid worships her mother and cherishes their private world full of ritual and mystery-but their idyll is shattered when Astrid's mother falls apart over a lover. Deranged by rejection, Ingrid murders the man, and is sentenced to life in prison. White Oleander is the unforgettable story of Astrid's journey through a series of foster homes and her efforts to find a place for herself in impossible circumstances. Each home is its own universe, with a new set of laws and lessons to be learned. With determination and humor, Astrid confronts the challenges of loneliness and poverty, and strives to learn who a motherless child in an indifferent world can become. Tough, irrepressible, funny, and warm, Astrid is one of the most indelible characters in recent fiction. White Oleander is an unforgettable story of mothers and daughters, burgeoning sexuality, the redemptive powers of art, and the unstoppable force of the emergent self. Written with exquisite beauty and grace, this is a compelling debut by an author poised to join the ranks of today's most gifted novelists."
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一個女孩,從11歲到18歲,換瞭6所寄養傢庭。 她的生活裏有什麼?母親的獄中來信,藝術,詩歌,畫畫,想象,希望;也有毒品,槍殺,性,乞討,挨餓,辱罵,失望。 現實中看到這樣一個非主流女孩,你會避而遠之吧? 可讀完這本小說,你會想抱著她,嘆息一聲說我懂。 連著一整天...
評分《白色夾竹桃》的改編電影已經看過瞭,但小說卻是現在纔來看。 第二和第三個領養傢庭,和高級應召女郎的交往,被狗咬傷……,這些都沒有在電影裏反映,而實際上,在少女的成長過程中卻也是有深刻的意義!所有的改編電影都免不瞭麵臨情節刪減的問題,而這些往往也成瞭電影和小...
評分這是一本好書。 它的氣味是我喜歡的,既有少女的純粹與夢幻,也有藝術傢的敏感與多思。時隔多日,我還能記得起書中那些女人們,她們瘋狂,自由,野性,還有一些特立獨行的:有一個是有毒的,高高在上藐視眾生;有一個溫柔而脆弱,遍體鱗傷又飽含善良的汁水;有一個是天生的藝術...
評分去年夏天寫的。。。 這幾天上下班路上在聽《白色夾竹桃》。講一個叫阿絲翠德的小女孩,本來和她的詩人媽媽在洛杉磯的海邊過著清苦但是充滿瞭藝術氣息的生活。媽媽的名字是英格利特,瑞典人,精通四種語言,聰明美艷而且超凡齣塵,帶著阿絲翠德過著四處漂泊的生活。從阿姆斯特...
圖書標籤: 白色夾竹桃 小說 女性 英文 成長 外國文學 青春 文學
“Isn't it funny. I'm enjoying my hatred so much more than I ever enjoyed love. Love is temperamental. Tiring. It makes demands. Love uses you, changes its mind. But hatred, now, that's something you can use. Sculpt. Wield. It's hard, or soft, however you need it. Love humiliates you, but Hatred cradles you.”
評分推薦 又是一本關於成長的故事。
評分學生時代接觸的第一本原文小說 捧在手裏連做公車上都不捨得放下 喜歡這種安靜的味道 淡淡憂傷之後燃起的對於生命的熱愛與拼搏的希望 而其間隱含的麯摺與艱辛 化作瞭成長的斑紋 深深刻在心窩裏 各色的女人 不同的結局 錶麵看似平淡的小人物實而並不簡單 無奈與傷痛也是美的 對於人生 不要苛求完美 完整就夠瞭
評分推薦 又是一本關於成長的故事。
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